Source code for parcels.field

import collections
import datetime
import math
from ctypes import c_float
from ctypes import c_int
from ctypes import POINTER
from ctypes import pointer
from ctypes import Structure

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pathlib import Path

import as i_u
from .fieldfilebuffer import (NetcdfFileBuffer, DeferredNetcdfFileBuffer,
                              DaskFileBuffer, DeferredDaskFileBuffer)
from .grid import CGrid
from .grid import Grid
from .grid import GridCode
from import Geographic
from import GeographicPolar
from import TimeConverter
from import UnitConverter
from import unitconverters_map
from import FieldOutOfBoundError
from import FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError
from import FieldSamplingError
from import TimeExtrapolationError
from import logger

__all__ = ['Field', 'VectorField', 'SummedField', 'NestedField']

def _isParticle(key):
    # TODO: ideally, we'd like to use isinstance(key, BaseParticleAssessor) here, but that results in cyclic imports between Field and ParticleSet.
    if hasattr(key, '_next_dt'):
        return True
        return False

[docs]class Field(object): """Class that encapsulates access to field data. :param name: Name of the field :param data: 2D, 3D or 4D numpy array of field data. 1. If data shape is [xdim, ydim], [xdim, ydim, zdim], [xdim, ydim, tdim] or [xdim, ydim, zdim, tdim], whichever is relevant for the dataset, use the flag transpose=True 2. If data shape is [ydim, xdim], [zdim, ydim, xdim], [tdim, ydim, xdim] or [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim], use the flag transpose=False 3. If data has any other shape, you first need to reorder it :param lon: Longitude coordinates (numpy vector or array) of the field (only if grid is None) :param lat: Latitude coordinates (numpy vector or array) of the field (only if grid is None) :param depth: Depth coordinates (numpy vector or array) of the field (only if grid is None) :param time: Time coordinates (numpy vector) of the field (only if grid is None) :param mesh: String indicating the type of mesh coordinates and units used during velocity interpolation: (only if grid is None) 1. spherical: Lat and lon in degree, with a correction for zonal velocity U near the poles. 2. flat (default): No conversion, lat/lon are assumed to be in m. :param timestamps: A numpy array containing the timestamps for each of the files in filenames, for loading from netCDF files only. Default is None if the netCDF dimensions dictionary includes time. :param grid: :class:`parcels.grid.Grid` object containing all the lon, lat depth, time mesh and time_origin information. Can be constructed from any of the Grid objects :param fieldtype: Type of Field to be used for UnitConverter when using SummedFields (either 'U', 'V', 'Kh_zonal', 'Kh_meridional' or None) :param transpose: Transpose data to required (lon, lat) layout :param vmin: Minimum allowed value on the field. Data below this value are set to zero :param vmax: Maximum allowed value on the field. Data above this value are set to zero :param time_origin: Time origin (TimeConverter object) of the time axis (only if grid is None) :param interp_method: Method for interpolation. Options are 'linear' (default), 'nearest', 'linear_invdist_land_tracer', 'cgrid_velocity', 'cgrid_tracer' and 'bgrid_velocity' :param allow_time_extrapolation: boolean whether to allow for extrapolation in time (i.e. beyond the last available time snapshot) :param time_periodic: To loop periodically over the time component of the Field. It is set to either False or the length of the period (either float in seconds or datetime.timedelta object). The last value of the time series can be provided (which is the same as the initial one) or not (Default: False) This flag overrides the allow_time_interpolation and sets it to False :param chunkdims_name_map (opt.): gives a name map to the FieldFileBuffer that declared a mapping between chunksize name, NetCDF dimension and Parcels dimension; required only if currently incompatible OCM field is loaded and chunking is used by 'chunksize' (which is the default) For usage examples see the following tutorials: * `Nested Fields <>`_ * `Summed Fields <>`_ """ def __init__(self, name, data, lon=None, lat=None, depth=None, time=None, grid=None, mesh='flat', timestamps=None, fieldtype=None, transpose=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, time_origin=None, interp_method='linear', allow_time_extrapolation=None, time_periodic=False, gridindexingtype='nemo', **kwargs): if not isinstance(name, tuple): = name self.filebuffername = name else:, self.filebuffername = name = data time_origin = TimeConverter(0) if time_origin is None else time_origin if grid: if grid.defer_load and isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Cannot combine Grid from defer_loaded Field with np.ndarray data. please specify lon, lat, depth and time dimensions separately') self.grid = grid else: self.grid = Grid.create_grid(lon, lat, depth, time, time_origin=time_origin, mesh=mesh) self.igrid = -1 # self.lon,, self.depth and self.time are not used anymore in parcels. # self.grid should be used instead. # Those variables are still defined for backwards compatibility with users codes. self.lon = self.grid.lon = self.depth = self.grid.depth self.fieldtype = if fieldtype is None else fieldtype if self.grid.mesh == 'flat' or (self.fieldtype not in unitconverters_map.keys()): self.units = UnitConverter() elif self.grid.mesh == 'spherical': self.units = unitconverters_map[self.fieldtype] else: raise ValueError("Unsupported mesh type. Choose either: 'spherical' or 'flat'") self.timestamps = timestamps if type(interp_method) is dict: if in interp_method: self.interp_method = interp_method[] else: raise RuntimeError('interp_method is a dictionary but %s is not in it' % name) else: self.interp_method = interp_method self.gridindexingtype = gridindexingtype if self.interp_method in ['bgrid_velocity', 'bgrid_w_velocity', 'bgrid_tracer'] and \ self.grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearSGrid, GridCode.CurvilinearSGrid]: logger.warning_once('General s-levels are not supported in B-grid. RectilinearSGrid and CurvilinearSGrid can still be used to deal with shaved cells, but the levels must be horizontal.') self.fieldset = None if allow_time_extrapolation is None: self.allow_time_extrapolation = True if len(self.grid.time) == 1 else False else: self.allow_time_extrapolation = allow_time_extrapolation self.time_periodic = time_periodic if self.time_periodic is not False and self.allow_time_extrapolation: logger.warning_once("allow_time_extrapolation and time_periodic cannot be used together.\n \ allow_time_extrapolation is set to False") self.allow_time_extrapolation = False if self.time_periodic is True: raise ValueError("Unsupported time_periodic=True. time_periodic must now be either False or the length of the period (either float in seconds or datetime.timedelta object.") if self.time_periodic is not False: if isinstance(self.time_periodic, datetime.timedelta): self.time_periodic = self.time_periodic.total_seconds() if not np.isclose(self.grid.time[-1] - self.grid.time[0], self.time_periodic): if self.grid.time[-1] - self.grid.time[0] > self.time_periodic: raise ValueError("Time series provided is longer than the time_periodic parameter") self.grid._add_last_periodic_data_timestep = True self.grid.time = np.append(self.grid.time, self.grid.time[0] + self.time_periodic) self.grid.time_full = self.grid.time self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax if not self.grid.defer_load: = self.reshape(, transpose) # Hack around the fact that NaN and ridiculously large values # propagate in SciPy's interpolators lib = np if isinstance(, np.ndarray) else da[lib.isnan(] = 0. if self.vmin is not None:[ < self.vmin] = 0. if self.vmax is not None:[ > self.vmax] = 0. if self.grid._add_last_periodic_data_timestep: = lib.concatenate((,[:1, :]), axis=0) self._scaling_factor = None # Variable names in JIT code self.dimensions = kwargs.pop('dimensions', None) self.indices = kwargs.pop('indices', None) self.dataFiles = kwargs.pop('dataFiles', None) if self.grid._add_last_periodic_data_timestep and self.dataFiles is not None: self.dataFiles = np.append(self.dataFiles, self.dataFiles[0]) self._field_fb_class = kwargs.pop('FieldFileBuffer', None) self.netcdf_engine = kwargs.pop('netcdf_engine', 'netcdf4') self.loaded_time_indices = [] self.creation_log = kwargs.pop('creation_log', '') self.chunksize = kwargs.pop('chunksize', None) self.netcdf_chunkdims_name_map = kwargs.pop('chunkdims_name_map', None) self.grid.depth_field = kwargs.pop('depth_field', None) if self.grid.depth_field == 'not_yet_set': assert self.grid.z4d, 'Providing the depth dimensions from another field data is only available for 4d S grids' # data_full_zdim is the vertical dimension of the complete field data, ignoring the indices. # (data_full_zdim = grid.zdim if no indices are used, for A- and C-grids and for some B-grids). It is used for the B-grid, # since some datasets do not provide the deeper level of data (which is ignored by the interpolation). self.data_full_zdim = kwargs.pop('data_full_zdim', None) self.data_chunks = [] self.c_data_chunks = [] self.nchunks = [] self.chunk_set = False self.filebuffers = [None] * 2 if len(kwargs) > 0: raise SyntaxError('Field received an unexpected keyword argument "%s"' % list(kwargs.keys())[0]) @classmethod def get_dim_filenames(cls, filenames, dim): if isinstance(filenames, str) or not isinstance(filenames, return [filenames] elif isinstance(filenames, dict): assert dim in filenames.keys(), \ 'filename dimension keys must be lon, lat, depth or data' filename = filenames[dim] if isinstance(filename, str): return [filename] else: return filename else: return filenames @staticmethod def collect_timeslices(timestamps, data_filenames, _grid_fb_class, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine): if timestamps is not None: dataFiles = [] for findex in range(len(data_filenames)): for f in [data_filenames[findex], ] * len(timestamps[findex]): dataFiles.append(f) timeslices = np.array([stamp for file in timestamps for stamp in file]) time = timeslices else: timeslices = [] dataFiles = [] for fname in data_filenames: with _grid_fb_class(fname, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine=netcdf_engine) as filebuffer: ftime = filebuffer.time timeslices.append(ftime) dataFiles.append([fname] * len(ftime)) timeslices = np.array(timeslices) time = np.concatenate(timeslices) dataFiles = np.concatenate(np.array(dataFiles)) if time.size == 1 and time[0] is None: time[0] = 0 time_origin = TimeConverter(time[0]) time = time_origin.reltime(time) if not np.all((time[1:] - time[:-1]) > 0): id_not_ordered = np.where(time[1:] < time[:-1])[0][0] raise AssertionError( 'Please make sure your netCDF files are ordered in time. First pair of non-ordered files: %s, %s' % (dataFiles[id_not_ordered], dataFiles[id_not_ordered + 1])) return time, time_origin, timeslices, dataFiles
[docs] @classmethod def from_netcdf(cls, filenames, variable, dimensions, indices=None, grid=None, mesh='spherical', timestamps=None, allow_time_extrapolation=None, time_periodic=False, deferred_load=True, **kwargs): """Create field from netCDF file :param filenames: list of filenames to read for the field. filenames can be a list [files] or a dictionary {dim:[files]} (if lon, lat, depth and/or data not stored in same files as data) In the latetr case, time values are in filenames[data] :param variable: Tuple mapping field name to variable name in the NetCDF file. :param dimensions: Dictionary mapping variable names for the relevant dimensions in the NetCDF file :param indices: dictionary mapping indices for each dimension to read from file. This can be used for reading in only a subregion of the NetCDF file. Note that negative indices are not allowed. :param mesh: String indicating the type of mesh coordinates and units used during velocity interpolation: 1. spherical (default): Lat and lon in degree, with a correction for zonal velocity U near the poles. 2. flat: No conversion, lat/lon are assumed to be in m. :param timestamps: A numpy array of datetime64 objects containing the timestamps for each of the files in filenames. Default is None if dimensions includes time. :param allow_time_extrapolation: boolean whether to allow for extrapolation in time (i.e. beyond the last available time snapshot) Default is False if dimensions includes time, else True :param time_periodic: boolean whether to loop periodically over the time component of the FieldSet This flag overrides the allow_time_interpolation and sets it to False :param deferred_load: boolean whether to only pre-load data (in deferred mode) or fully load them (default: True). It is advised to deferred load the data, since in that case Parcels deals with a better memory management during particle set execution. deferred_load=False is however sometimes necessary for plotting the fields. :param gridindexingtype: The type of gridindexing. Either 'nemo' (default) or 'mitgcm' are supported. See also the Grid indexing documentation on :param chunksize: size of the chunks in dask loading For usage examples see the following tutorial: * `Timestamps <>`_ """ # Ensure the timestamps array is compatible with the user-provided datafiles. if timestamps is not None: if isinstance(filenames, list): assert len(filenames) == len(timestamps), 'Outer dimension of timestamps should correspond to number of files.' elif isinstance(filenames, dict): for k in filenames.keys(): if k not in ['lat', 'lon', 'depth', 'time']: assert(len(filenames[k]) == len(timestamps)), 'Outer dimension of timestamps should correspond to number of files.' else: raise TypeError("Filenames type is inconsistent with manual timestamp provision." + "Should be dict or list") if isinstance(variable, str): # for backward compatibility with Parcels < 2.0.0 variable = (variable, variable) assert len(variable) == 2, 'The variable tuple must have length 2. Use FieldSet.from_netcdf() for multiple variables' data_filenames = cls.get_dim_filenames(filenames, 'data') lonlat_filename = cls.get_dim_filenames(filenames, 'lon') if isinstance(filenames, dict): assert len(lonlat_filename) == 1 if lonlat_filename != cls.get_dim_filenames(filenames, 'lat'): raise NotImplementedError('longitude and latitude dimensions are currently processed together from one single file') lonlat_filename = lonlat_filename[0] if 'depth' in dimensions: depth_filename = cls.get_dim_filenames(filenames, 'depth') if isinstance(filenames, dict) and len(depth_filename) != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Vertically adaptive meshes not implemented for from_netcdf()') depth_filename = depth_filename[0] netcdf_engine = kwargs.pop('netcdf_engine', 'netcdf4') indices = {} if indices is None else indices.copy() for ind in indices: if len(indices[ind]) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Indices for %s can not be empty' % ind) assert np.min(indices[ind]) >= 0, \ ('Negative indices are currently not allowed in Parcels. ' + 'This is related to the non-increasing dimension it could generate ' + 'if the domain goes from lon[-4] to lon[6] for example. ' + 'Please raise an issue on ' + 'if you would need such feature implemented.') interp_method = kwargs.pop('interp_method', 'linear') if type(interp_method) is dict: if variable[0] in interp_method: interp_method = interp_method[variable[0]] else: raise RuntimeError('interp_method is a dictionary but %s is not in it' % variable[0]) _grid_fb_class = NetcdfFileBuffer with _grid_fb_class(lonlat_filename, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine) as filebuffer: lon, lat = filebuffer.lonlat indices = filebuffer.indices # Check if parcels_mesh has been explicitly set in file if 'parcels_mesh' in filebuffer.dataset.attrs: mesh = filebuffer.dataset.attrs['parcels_mesh'] if 'depth' in dimensions: with _grid_fb_class(depth_filename, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine, interp_method=interp_method) as filebuffer: = filebuffer.parse_name(variable[1]) if dimensions['depth'] == 'not_yet_set': depth = filebuffer.depth_dimensions kwargs['depth_field'] = 'not_yet_set' else: depth = filebuffer.depth data_full_zdim = filebuffer.data_full_zdim else: indices['depth'] = [0] depth = np.zeros(1) data_full_zdim = 1 kwargs['data_full_zdim'] = data_full_zdim if len(data_filenames) > 1 and 'time' not in dimensions and timestamps is None: raise RuntimeError('Multiple files given but no time dimension specified') if grid is None: # Concatenate time variable to determine overall dimension # across multiple files time, time_origin, timeslices, dataFiles = cls.collect_timeslices(timestamps, data_filenames, _grid_fb_class, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine) grid = Grid.create_grid(lon, lat, depth, time, time_origin=time_origin, mesh=mesh) grid.timeslices = timeslices kwargs['dataFiles'] = dataFiles elif grid is not None and ('dataFiles' not in kwargs or kwargs['dataFiles'] is None): # ==== means: the field has a shared grid, but may have different data files, so we need to collect the # ==== correct file time series again. _, _, _, dataFiles = cls.collect_timeslices(timestamps, data_filenames, _grid_fb_class, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine) kwargs['dataFiles'] = dataFiles chunksize = kwargs.get('chunksize', None) grid.chunksize = chunksize if 'time' in indices: logger.warning_once('time dimension in indices is not necessary anymore. It is then ignored.') if 'full_load' in kwargs: # for backward compatibility with Parcels < v2.0.0 deferred_load = not kwargs['full_load'] if grid.time.size <= 2 or deferred_load is False: deferred_load = False if chunksize not in [False, None]: if deferred_load: _field_fb_class = DeferredDaskFileBuffer else: _field_fb_class = DaskFileBuffer elif deferred_load: _field_fb_class = DeferredNetcdfFileBuffer else: _field_fb_class = NetcdfFileBuffer kwargs['FieldFileBuffer'] = _field_fb_class if not deferred_load: # Pre-allocate data before reading files into buffer data_list = [] ti = 0 for tslice, fname in zip(grid.timeslices, data_filenames): with _field_fb_class(fname, dimensions, indices, netcdf_engine, interp_method=interp_method, data_full_zdim=data_full_zdim, chunksize=chunksize) as filebuffer: # If Field.from_netcdf is called directly, it may not have a 'data' dimension # In that case, assume that 'name' is the data dimension = filebuffer.parse_name(variable[1]) buffer_data = if len(buffer_data.shape) == 2: data_list.append(buffer_data.reshape(sum(((len(tslice), 1), buffer_data.shape), ()))) elif len(buffer_data.shape) == 3: if len(filebuffer.indices['depth']) > 1: data_list.append(buffer_data.reshape(sum(((1,), buffer_data.shape), ()))) else: if type(tslice) not in [list, np.ndarray, da.Array, xr.DataArray]: tslice = [tslice] data_list.append(buffer_data.reshape(sum(((len(tslice), 1), buffer_data.shape[1:]), ()))) else: data_list.append(buffer_data) if type(tslice) not in [list, np.ndarray, da.Array, xr.DataArray]: tslice = [tslice] ti += len(tslice) lib = np if isinstance(data_list[0], np.ndarray) else da data = lib.concatenate(data_list, axis=0) else: grid.defer_load = True grid.ti = -1 data = DeferredArray() data.compute_shape(grid.xdim, grid.ydim, grid.zdim, grid.tdim, len(grid.timeslices)) if allow_time_extrapolation is None: allow_time_extrapolation = False if 'time' in dimensions else True kwargs['dimensions'] = dimensions.copy() kwargs['indices'] = indices kwargs['time_periodic'] = time_periodic kwargs['netcdf_engine'] = netcdf_engine return cls(variable, data, grid=grid, timestamps=timestamps, allow_time_extrapolation=allow_time_extrapolation, interp_method=interp_method, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xarray(cls, da, name, dimensions, mesh='spherical', allow_time_extrapolation=None, time_periodic=False, **kwargs): """Create field from xarray Variable :param da: Xarray DataArray :param name: Name of the Field :param dimensions: Dictionary mapping variable names for the relevant dimensions in the DataArray :param mesh: String indicating the type of mesh coordinates and units used during velocity interpolation: 1. spherical (default): Lat and lon in degree, with a correction for zonal velocity U near the poles. 2. flat: No conversion, lat/lon are assumed to be in m. :param allow_time_extrapolation: boolean whether to allow for extrapolation in time (i.e. beyond the last available time snapshot) Default is False if dimensions includes time, else True :param time_periodic: boolean whether to loop periodically over the time component of the FieldSet This flag overrides the allow_time_interpolation and sets it to False """ data = interp_method = kwargs.pop('interp_method', 'linear') time = da[dimensions['time']].values if 'time' in dimensions else np.array([0]) depth = da[dimensions['depth']].values if 'depth' in dimensions else np.array([0]) lon = da[dimensions['lon']].values lat = da[dimensions['lat']].values time_origin = TimeConverter(time[0]) time = time_origin.reltime(time) grid = Grid.create_grid(lon, lat, depth, time, time_origin=time_origin, mesh=mesh) return cls(name, data, grid=grid, allow_time_extrapolation=allow_time_extrapolation, interp_method=interp_method, **kwargs)
def reshape(self, data, transpose=False): # Ensure that field data is the right data type if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, da.core.Array)): data = np.array(data) if not data.dtype == np.float32: logger.warning_once("Casting field data to np.float32") data = data.astype(np.float32) lib = np if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) else da if transpose: data = lib.transpose(data) if self.grid.lat_flipped: data = lib.flip(data, axis=-2) if self.grid.xdim == 1 or self.grid.ydim == 1: data = lib.squeeze(data) # First remove all length-1 dimensions in data, so that we can add them below if self.grid.xdim == 1 and len(data.shape) < 4: if lib == da: raise NotImplementedError('Length-one dimensions with field chunking not implemented, as dask does not have an `expand_dims` method. Use chunksize=None') data = lib.expand_dims(data, axis=-1) if self.grid.ydim == 1 and len(data.shape) < 4: if lib == da: raise NotImplementedError('Length-one dimensions with field chunking not implemented, as dask does not have an `expand_dims` method. Use chunksize=None') data = lib.expand_dims(data, axis=-2) if self.grid.tdim == 1: if len(data.shape) < 4: data = data.reshape(sum(((1,), data.shape), ())) if self.grid.zdim == 1: if len(data.shape) == 4: data = data.reshape(sum(((data.shape[0],), data.shape[2:]), ())) if len(data.shape) == 4: errormessage = ('Field %s expecting a data shape of [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim]. ' 'Flag transpose=True could help to reorder the data.' % assert data.shape[0] == self.grid.tdim, errormessage assert data.shape[2] == self.grid.ydim - 2 * self.grid.meridional_halo, errormessage assert data.shape[3] == self.grid.xdim - 2 * self.grid.zonal_halo, errormessage if self.gridindexingtype == 'pop': assert data.shape[1] == self.grid.zdim or data.shape[1] == self.grid.zdim-1, errormessage else: assert data.shape[1] == self.grid.zdim, errormessage else: assert (data.shape == (self.grid.tdim, self.grid.ydim - 2 * self.grid.meridional_halo, self.grid.xdim - 2 * self.grid.zonal_halo)), \ ('Field %s expecting a data shape of [tdim, ydim, xdim]. ' 'Flag transpose=True could help to reorder the data.' % if self.grid.meridional_halo > 0 or self.grid.zonal_halo > 0: data = self.add_periodic_halo(zonal=self.grid.zonal_halo > 0, meridional=self.grid.meridional_halo > 0, halosize=max(self.grid.meridional_halo, self.grid.zonal_halo), data=data) return data
[docs] def set_scaling_factor(self, factor): """Scales the field data by some constant factor. :param factor: scaling factor For usage examples see the following tutorial: * `Unit converters <>`_ """ if self._scaling_factor: raise NotImplementedError(('Scaling factor for field %s already defined.' % self._scaling_factor = factor if not self.grid.defer_load: *= factor
[docs] def set_depth_from_field(self, field): """Define the depth dimensions from another (time-varying) field See `this tutorial <>`_ for a detailed explanation on how to set up time-evolving depth dimensions """ self.grid.depth_field = field if self.grid != field.grid: field.grid.depth_field = field
def __getitem__(self, key): if _isParticle(key): return self.eval(key.time, key.depth,, key.lon, key) else: return self.eval(*key)
[docs] def calc_cell_edge_sizes(self): """Method to calculate cell sizes based on numpy.gradient method Currently only works for Rectilinear Grids""" if not self.grid.cell_edge_sizes: if self.grid.gtype in (GridCode.RectilinearZGrid, GridCode.RectilinearSGrid): self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['x'] = np.zeros((self.grid.ydim, self.grid.xdim), dtype=np.float32) self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['y'] = np.zeros((self.grid.ydim, self.grid.xdim), dtype=np.float32) x_conv = GeographicPolar() if self.grid.mesh == 'spherical' else UnitConverter() y_conv = Geographic() if self.grid.mesh == 'spherical' else UnitConverter() for y, (lat, dy) in enumerate(zip(, np.gradient( for x, (lon, dx) in enumerate(zip(self.grid.lon, np.gradient(self.grid.lon))): self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['x'][y, x] = x_conv.to_source(dx, lon, lat, self.grid.depth[0]) self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['y'][y, x] = y_conv.to_source(dy, lon, lat, self.grid.depth[0]) self.cell_edge_sizes = self.grid.cell_edge_sizes else: logger.error(('Field.cell_edge_sizes() not implemented for ', self.grid.gtype, 'grids.', 'You can provide Field.grid.cell_edge_sizes yourself', 'by in e.g. NEMO using the e1u fields etc from the file')) exit(-1)
[docs] def cell_areas(self): """Method to calculate cell sizes based on cell_edge_sizes Currently only works for Rectilinear Grids""" if not self.grid.cell_edge_sizes: self.calc_cell_edge_sizes() return self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['x'] * self.grid.cell_edge_sizes['y']
def search_indices_vertical_z(self, z): grid = self.grid z = np.float32(z) if grid.depth[-1] > grid.depth[0]: if z < grid.depth[0]: # Since MOM5 is indexed at cell bottom, allow z at depth[0] - dz where dz = (depth[1] - depth[0]) if self.gridindexingtype == "mom5" and z > 2*grid.depth[0] - grid.depth[1]: return (-1, z / grid.depth[0]) else: raise FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError(0, 0, z, field=self) elif z > grid.depth[-1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(0, 0, z, field=self) depth_indices = grid.depth <= z if z >= grid.depth[-1]: zi = len(grid.depth) - 2 else: zi = depth_indices.argmin() - 1 if z >= grid.depth[0] else 0 else: if z > grid.depth[0]: raise FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError(0, 0, z, field=self) elif z < grid.depth[-1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(0, 0, z, field=self) depth_indices = grid.depth >= z if z <= grid.depth[-1]: zi = len(grid.depth) - 2 else: zi = depth_indices.argmin() - 1 if z <= grid.depth[0] else 0 zeta = (z-grid.depth[zi]) / (grid.depth[zi+1]-grid.depth[zi]) return (zi, zeta) def search_indices_vertical_s(self, x, y, z, xi, yi, xsi, eta, ti, time): grid = self.grid if self.interp_method in ['bgrid_velocity', 'bgrid_w_velocity', 'bgrid_tracer']: xsi = 1 eta = 1 if time < grid.time[ti]: ti -= 1 if grid.z4d: if ti == len(grid.time)-1: depth_vector = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * grid.depth[-1, :, yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) * grid.depth[-1, :, yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta * grid.depth[-1, :, yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta * grid.depth[-1, :, yi+1, xi] else: dv2 = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * grid.depth[ti:ti+2, :, yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) * grid.depth[ti:ti+2, :, yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta * grid.depth[ti:ti+2, :, yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta * grid.depth[ti:ti+2, :, yi+1, xi] tt = (time-grid.time[ti]) / (grid.time[ti+1]-grid.time[ti]) assert tt >= 0 and tt <= 1, 'Vertical s grid is being wrongly interpolated in time' depth_vector = dv2[0, :] * (1-tt) + dv2[1, :] * tt else: depth_vector = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * grid.depth[:, yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) * grid.depth[:, yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta * grid.depth[:, yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta * grid.depth[:, yi+1, xi] z = np.float32(z) if depth_vector[-1] > depth_vector[0]: depth_indices = depth_vector <= z if z >= depth_vector[-1]: zi = len(depth_vector) - 2 else: zi = depth_indices.argmin() - 1 if z >= depth_vector[0] else 0 if z < depth_vector[zi]: raise FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError(0, 0, z, field=self) elif z > depth_vector[zi+1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) else: depth_indices = depth_vector >= z if z <= depth_vector[-1]: zi = len(depth_vector) - 2 else: zi = depth_indices.argmin() - 1 if z <= depth_vector[0] else 0 if z > depth_vector[zi]: raise FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError(0, 0, z, field=self) elif z < depth_vector[zi+1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) zeta = (z - depth_vector[zi]) / (depth_vector[zi+1]-depth_vector[zi]) return (zi, zeta) def reconnect_bnd_indices(self, xi, yi, xdim, ydim, sphere_mesh): if xi < 0: if sphere_mesh: xi = xdim-2 else: xi = 0 if xi > xdim-2: if sphere_mesh: xi = 0 else: xi = xdim-2 if yi < 0: yi = 0 if yi > ydim-2: yi = ydim-2 if sphere_mesh: xi = xdim - xi return xi, yi def search_indices_rectilinear(self, x, y, z, ti=-1, time=-1, particle=None, search2D=False): grid = self.grid if grid.xdim > 1 and (not grid.zonal_periodic): if x < grid.lonlat_minmax[0] or x > grid.lonlat_minmax[1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) if grid.ydim > 1 and (y < grid.lonlat_minmax[2] or y > grid.lonlat_minmax[3]): raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) if grid.xdim > 1: if grid.mesh != 'spherical': lon_index = grid.lon < x if lon_index.all(): xi = len(grid.lon) - 2 else: xi = lon_index.argmin() - 1 if lon_index.any() else 0 xsi = (x-grid.lon[xi]) / (grid.lon[xi+1]-grid.lon[xi]) if xsi < 0: xi -= 1 xsi = (x-grid.lon[xi]) / (grid.lon[xi+1]-grid.lon[xi]) elif xsi > 1: xi += 1 xsi = (x-grid.lon[xi]) / (grid.lon[xi+1]-grid.lon[xi]) else: lon_fixed = grid.lon.copy() indices = lon_fixed >= lon_fixed[0] if not indices.all(): lon_fixed[indices.argmin():] += 360 if x < lon_fixed[0]: lon_fixed -= 360 lon_index = lon_fixed < x if lon_index.all(): xi = len(lon_fixed) - 2 else: xi = lon_index.argmin() - 1 if lon_index.any() else 0 xsi = (x-lon_fixed[xi]) / (lon_fixed[xi+1]-lon_fixed[xi]) if xsi < 0: xi -= 1 xsi = (x-lon_fixed[xi]) / (lon_fixed[xi+1]-lon_fixed[xi]) elif xsi > 1: xi += 1 xsi = (x-lon_fixed[xi]) / (lon_fixed[xi+1]-lon_fixed[xi]) else: xi, xsi = -1, 0 if grid.ydim > 1: lat_index = < y if lat_index.all(): yi = len( - 2 else: yi = lat_index.argmin() - 1 if lat_index.any() else 0 eta = ([yi]) / ([yi+1][yi]) if eta < 0: yi -= 1 eta = ([yi]) / ([yi+1][yi]) elif eta > 1: yi += 1 eta = ([yi]) / ([yi+1][yi]) else: yi, eta = -1, 0 if grid.zdim > 1 and not search2D: if grid.gtype == GridCode.RectilinearZGrid: # Never passes here, because in this case, we work with scipy try: (zi, zeta) = self.search_indices_vertical_z(z) except FieldOutOfBoundError: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) except FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError: raise FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError(x, y, z, field=self) elif grid.gtype == GridCode.RectilinearSGrid: (zi, zeta) = self.search_indices_vertical_s(x, y, z, xi, yi, xsi, eta, ti, time) else: zi, zeta = -1, 0 if not ((0 <= xsi <= 1) and (0 <= eta <= 1) and (0 <= zeta <= 1)): raise FieldSamplingError(x, y, z, field=self) if particle: particle.xi[self.igrid] = xi particle.yi[self.igrid] = yi particle.zi[self.igrid] = zi return (xsi, eta, zeta, xi, yi, zi) def search_indices_curvilinear(self, x, y, z, ti=-1, time=-1, particle=None, search2D=False): if particle: xi = particle.xi[self.igrid] yi = particle.yi[self.igrid] else: xi = int(self.grid.xdim / 2) - 1 yi = int(self.grid.ydim / 2) - 1 xsi = eta = -1 grid = self.grid invA = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 1], [1, -1, 1, -1]]) maxIterSearch = 1e6 it = 0 tol = 1.e-10 if not grid.zonal_periodic: if x < grid.lonlat_minmax[0] or x > grid.lonlat_minmax[1]: if grid.lon[0, 0] < grid.lon[0, -1]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) elif x < grid.lon[0, 0] and x > grid.lon[0, -1]: # This prevents from crashing in [160, -160] raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) if y < grid.lonlat_minmax[2] or y > grid.lonlat_minmax[3]: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) while xsi < -tol or xsi > 1+tol or eta < -tol or eta > 1+tol: px = np.array([grid.lon[yi, xi], grid.lon[yi, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi]]) if grid.mesh == 'spherical': px[0] = px[0]+360 if px[0] < x-225 else px[0] px[0] = px[0]-360 if px[0] > x+225 else px[0] px[1:] = np.where(px[1:] - px[0] > 180, px[1:]-360, px[1:]) px[1:] = np.where(-px[1:] + px[0] > 180, px[1:]+360, px[1:]) py = np.array([[yi, xi],[yi, xi+1],[yi+1, xi+1],[yi+1, xi]]) a =, px) b =, py) aa = a[3]*b[2] - a[2]*b[3] bb = a[3]*b[0] - a[0]*b[3] + a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] + x*b[3] - y*a[3] cc = a[1]*b[0] - a[0]*b[1] + x*b[1] - y*a[1] if abs(aa) < 1e-12: # Rectilinear cell, or quasi eta = -cc / bb else: det2 = bb*bb-4*aa*cc if det2 > 0: # so, if det is nan we keep the xsi, eta from previous iter det = np.sqrt(det2) eta = (-bb+det)/(2*aa) if abs(a[1]+a[3]*eta) < 1e-12: # this happens when recti cell rotated of 90deg xsi = ((y-py[0])/(py[1]-py[0]) + (y-py[3])/(py[2]-py[3])) * .5 else: xsi = (x-a[0]-a[2]*eta) / (a[1]+a[3]*eta) if xsi < 0 and eta < 0 and xi == 0 and yi == 0: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, 0, field=self) if xsi > 1 and eta > 1 and xi == grid.xdim-1 and yi == grid.ydim-1: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, 0, field=self) if xsi < -tol: xi -= 1 elif xsi > 1+tol: xi += 1 if eta < -tol: yi -= 1 elif eta > 1+tol: yi += 1 (xi, yi) = self.reconnect_bnd_indices(xi, yi, grid.xdim, grid.ydim, grid.mesh) it += 1 if it > maxIterSearch: print('Correct cell not found after %d iterations' % maxIterSearch) raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, 0, field=self) xsi = max(0., xsi) eta = max(0., eta) xsi = min(1., xsi) eta = min(1., eta) if grid.zdim > 1 and not search2D: if grid.gtype == GridCode.CurvilinearZGrid: try: (zi, zeta) = self.search_indices_vertical_z(z) except FieldOutOfBoundError: raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) elif grid.gtype == GridCode.CurvilinearSGrid: (zi, zeta) = self.search_indices_vertical_s(x, y, z, xi, yi, xsi, eta, ti, time) else: zi = -1 zeta = 0 if not ((0 <= xsi <= 1) and (0 <= eta <= 1) and (0 <= zeta <= 1)): raise FieldSamplingError(x, y, z, field=self) if particle: particle.xi[self.igrid] = xi particle.yi[self.igrid] = yi particle.zi[self.igrid] = zi return (xsi, eta, zeta, xi, yi, zi) def search_indices(self, x, y, z, ti=-1, time=-1, particle=None, search2D=False): if self.grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearSGrid, GridCode.RectilinearZGrid]: return self.search_indices_rectilinear(x, y, z, ti, time, particle=particle, search2D=search2D) else: return self.search_indices_curvilinear(x, y, z, ti, time, particle=particle, search2D=search2D) def interpolator2D(self, ti, z, y, x, particle=None): (xsi, eta, _, xi, yi, _) = self.search_indices(x, y, z, particle=particle) if self.interp_method == 'nearest': xii = xi if xsi <= .5 else xi+1 yii = yi if eta <= .5 else yi+1 return[ti, yii, xii] elif self.interp_method in ['linear', 'bgrid_velocity']: val = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) *[ti, yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) *[ti, yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta *[ti, yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta *[ti, yi+1, xi] return val elif self.interp_method == 'linear_invdist_land_tracer': land = np.isclose([ti, yi:yi+2, xi:xi+2], 0.) nb_land = np.sum(land) if nb_land == 4: return 0 elif nb_land > 0: val = 0 w_sum = 0 for j in range(2): for i in range(2): distance = pow((eta - j), 2) + pow((xsi - i), 2) if np.isclose(distance, 0): if land[j][i] == 1: # index search led us directly onto land return 0 else: return[ti, yi+j, xi+i] elif land[i][j] == 0: val +=[ti, yi+j, xi+i] / distance w_sum += 1 / distance return val / w_sum else: val = (1 - xsi) * (1 - eta) *[ti, yi, xi] + \ xsi * (1 - eta) *[ti, yi, xi + 1] + \ xsi * eta *[ti, yi + 1, xi + 1] + \ (1 - xsi) * eta *[ti, yi + 1, xi] return val elif self.interp_method in ['cgrid_tracer', 'bgrid_tracer']: return[ti, yi+1, xi+1] elif self.interp_method == 'cgrid_velocity': raise RuntimeError("%s is a scalar field. cgrid_velocity interpolation method should be used for vector fields (e.g. FieldSet.UV)" % else: raise RuntimeError(self.interp_method+" is not implemented for 2D grids") def interpolator3D(self, ti, z, y, x, time, particle=None): (xsi, eta, zeta, xi, yi, zi) = self.search_indices(x, y, z, ti, time, particle=particle) if self.interp_method == 'nearest': xii = xi if xsi <= .5 else xi+1 yii = yi if eta <= .5 else yi+1 zii = zi if zeta <= .5 else zi+1 return[ti, zii, yii, xii] elif self.interp_method == 'cgrid_velocity': # evaluating W velocity in c_grid if self.gridindexingtype == 'nemo': f0 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] f1 =[ti, zi+1, yi+1, xi+1] elif self.gridindexingtype == 'mitgcm': f0 =[ti, zi, yi, xi] f1 =[ti, zi+1, yi, xi] return (1-zeta) * f0 + zeta * f1 elif self.interp_method == 'linear_invdist_land_tracer': land = np.isclose([ti, zi:zi+2, yi:yi+2, xi:xi+2], 0.) nb_land = np.sum(land) if nb_land == 8: return 0 elif nb_land > 0: val = 0 w_sum = 0 for k in range(2): for j in range(2): for i in range(2): distance = pow((zeta - k), 2) + pow((eta - j), 2) + pow((xsi - i), 2) if np.isclose(distance, 0): if land[k][j][i] == 1: # index search led us directly onto land return 0 else: return[ti, zi+i, yi+j, xi+k] elif land[k][j][i] == 0: val +=[ti, zi+k, yi+j, xi+i] / distance w_sum += 1 / distance return val / w_sum else: data =[ti, zi, :, :] f0 = (1 - xsi) * (1 - eta) * data[yi, xi] + \ xsi * (1 - eta) * data[yi, xi + 1] + \ xsi * eta * data[yi + 1, xi + 1] + \ (1 - xsi) * eta * data[yi + 1, xi] data =[ti, zi + 1, :, :] f1 = (1 - xsi) * (1 - eta) * data[yi, xi] + \ xsi * (1 - eta) * data[yi, xi + 1] + \ xsi * eta * data[yi + 1, xi + 1] + \ (1 - xsi) * eta * data[yi + 1, xi] return (1 - zeta) * f0 + zeta * f1 elif self.interp_method in ['linear', 'bgrid_velocity', 'bgrid_w_velocity']: if self.interp_method == 'bgrid_velocity': if self.gridindexingtype == 'mom5': zeta = 1. else: zeta = 0. elif self.interp_method == 'bgrid_w_velocity': eta = 1. xsi = 1. data =[ti, zi, :, :] f0 = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * data[yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) * data[yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta * data[yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta * data[yi+1, xi] if self.gridindexingtype == 'pop' and zi >= self.grid.zdim-2: # Since POP is indexed at cell top, allow linear interpolation of W to zero in lowest cell return (1-zeta) * f0 data =[ti, zi+1, :, :] f1 = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * data[yi, xi] + \ xsi*(1-eta) * data[yi, xi+1] + \ xsi*eta * data[yi+1, xi+1] + \ (1-xsi)*eta * data[yi+1, xi] if self.interp_method == 'bgrid_w_velocity' and self.gridindexingtype == 'mom5' and zi == -1: # Since MOM5 is indexed at cell bottom, allow linear interpolation of W to zero in uppermost cell return zeta * f1 else: return (1-zeta) * f0 + zeta * f1 elif self.interp_method in ['cgrid_tracer', 'bgrid_tracer']: return[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] else: raise RuntimeError(self.interp_method+" is not implemented for 3D grids")
[docs] def temporal_interpolate_fullfield(self, ti, time): """Calculate the data of a field between two snapshots, using linear interpolation :param ti: Index in time array associated with time (via :func:`time_index`) :param time: Time to interpolate to :rtype: Linearly interpolated field""" t0 = self.grid.time[ti] if time == t0: return[ti, :] elif ti+1 >= len(self.grid.time): raise TimeExtrapolationError(time, field=self, msg='show_time') else: t1 = self.grid.time[ti+1] f0 =[ti, :] f1 =[ti+1, :] return f0 + (f1 - f0) * ((time - t0) / (t1 - t0))
[docs] def spatial_interpolation(self, ti, z, y, x, time, particle=None): """Interpolate horizontal field values using a SciPy interpolator""" if self.grid.zdim == 1: val = self.interpolator2D(ti, z, y, x, particle=particle) else: val = self.interpolator3D(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) if np.isnan(val): # Detect Out-of-bounds sampling and raise exception raise FieldOutOfBoundError(x, y, z, field=self) else: if isinstance(val, da.core.Array): val = val.compute() return val
[docs] def time_index(self, time): """Find the index in the time array associated with a given time Note that we normalize to either the first or the last index if the sampled value is outside the time value range. """ if not self.time_periodic and not self.allow_time_extrapolation and (time < self.grid.time[0] or time > self.grid.time[-1]): raise TimeExtrapolationError(time, field=self) time_index = self.grid.time <= time if self.time_periodic: if time_index.all() or np.logical_not(time_index).all(): periods = int(math.floor((time-self.grid.time_full[0])/(self.grid.time_full[-1]-self.grid.time_full[0]))) if isinstance(self.grid.periods, c_int): self.grid.periods.value = periods else: self.grid.periods = periods time -= periods*(self.grid.time_full[-1]-self.grid.time_full[0]) time_index = self.grid.time <= time ti = time_index.argmin() - 1 if time_index.any() else 0 return (ti, periods) return (time_index.argmin() - 1 if time_index.any() else 0, 0) if time_index.all(): # If given time > last known field time, use # the last field frame without interpolation return (len(self.grid.time) - 1, 0) elif np.logical_not(time_index).all(): # If given time < any time in the field, use # the first field frame without interpolation return (0, 0) else: return (time_index.argmin() - 1 if time_index.any() else 0, 0)
[docs] def eval(self, time, z, y, x, particle=None, applyConversion=True): """Interpolate field values in space and time. We interpolate linearly in time and apply implicit unit conversion to the result. Note that we defer to scipy.interpolate to perform spatial interpolation. """ (ti, periods) = self.time_index(time) time -= periods*(self.grid.time_full[-1]-self.grid.time_full[0]) if ti < self.grid.tdim-1 and time > self.grid.time[ti]: f0 = self.spatial_interpolation(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) f1 = self.spatial_interpolation(ti + 1, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) t0 = self.grid.time[ti] t1 = self.grid.time[ti + 1] value = f0 + (f1 - f0) * ((time - t0) / (t1 - t0)) else: # Skip temporal interpolation if time is outside # of the defined time range or if we have hit an # excat value in the time array. value = self.spatial_interpolation(ti, z, y, x, self.grid.time[ti], particle=particle) if applyConversion: return self.units.to_target(value, x, y, z) else: return value
def ccode_eval(self, var, t, z, y, x): # Casting interp_methd to int as easier to pass on in C-code return "temporal_interpolation(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, &particles->xi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->yi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->zi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->ti[pnum*ngrid], &%s, %s, %s)" \ % (x, y, z, t, self.ccode_name, var, self.interp_method.upper(), self.gridindexingtype.upper()) def ccode_convert(self, _, z, y, x): return self.units.ccode_to_target(x, y, z) def get_block_id(self, block): return np.ravel_multi_index(block, self.nchunks) def get_block(self, bid): return np.unravel_index(bid, self.nchunks[1:]) def chunk_setup(self): if isinstance(, da.core.Array): chunks = self.nchunks = npartitions = 1 for n in self.nchunks[1:]: npartitions *= n elif isinstance(, np.ndarray): chunks = tuple((t,) for t in self.nchunks = (1,) * len( npartitions = 1 elif isinstance(, DeferredArray): self.nchunks = (1,) * len( return else: return self.data_chunks = [None] * npartitions self.c_data_chunks = [None] * npartitions self.grid.load_chunk = np.zeros(npartitions, dtype=c_int) # self.grid.chunk_info format: number of dimensions (without tdim); number of chunks per dimensions; # chunksizes (the 0th dim sizes for all chunk of dim[0], then so on for next dims self.grid.chunk_info = [[len(self.nchunks)-1], list(self.nchunks[1:]), sum(list(list(ci) for ci in chunks[1:]), [])] self.grid.chunk_info = sum(self.grid.chunk_info, []) self.chunk_set = True def chunk_data(self): if not self.chunk_set: self.chunk_setup() g = self.grid if isinstance(, da.core.Array): for block_id in range(len(self.grid.load_chunk)): if g.load_chunk[block_id] == g.chunk_loading_requested \ or g.load_chunk[block_id] in g.chunk_loaded and self.data_chunks[block_id] is None: block = self.get_block(block_id) self.data_chunks[block_id] = np.array([(slice(self.grid.tdim),) + block]) elif g.load_chunk[block_id] == g.chunk_not_loaded: if isinstance(self.data_chunks, list): self.data_chunks[block_id] = None else: self.data_chunks[block_id, :] = None self.c_data_chunks[block_id] = None else: if isinstance(self.data_chunks, list): self.data_chunks[0] = None else: self.data_chunks[0, :] = None self.c_data_chunks[0] = None self.grid.load_chunk[0] = g.chunk_loaded_touched self.data_chunks[0] = np.array( @property def ctypes_struct(self): """Returns a ctypes struct object containing all relevant pointers and sizes for this field.""" # Ctypes struct corresponding to the type definition in parcels.h class CField(Structure): _fields_ = [('xdim', c_int), ('ydim', c_int), ('zdim', c_int), ('tdim', c_int), ('igrid', c_int), ('allow_time_extrapolation', c_int), ('time_periodic', c_int), ('data_chunks', POINTER(POINTER(POINTER(c_float)))), ('grid', POINTER(CGrid))] # Create and populate the c-struct object allow_time_extrapolation = 1 if self.allow_time_extrapolation else 0 time_periodic = 1 if self.time_periodic else 0 for i in range(len(self.grid.load_chunk)): if self.grid.load_chunk[i] == self.grid.chunk_loading_requested: raise ValueError('data_chunks should have been loaded by now if requested. grid.load_chunk[bid] cannot be 1') if self.grid.load_chunk[i] in self.grid.chunk_loaded: if not self.data_chunks[i].flags.c_contiguous: self.data_chunks[i] = self.data_chunks[i].copy() self.c_data_chunks[i] = self.data_chunks[i].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(POINTER(c_float))) else: self.c_data_chunks[i] = None cstruct = CField(self.grid.xdim, self.grid.ydim, self.grid.zdim, self.grid.tdim, self.igrid, allow_time_extrapolation, time_periodic, (POINTER(POINTER(c_float)) * len(self.c_data_chunks))(*self.c_data_chunks), pointer(self.grid.ctypes_struct)) return cstruct
[docs] def show(self, animation=False, show_time=None, domain=None, depth_level=0, projection=None, land=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, savefile=None, **kwargs): """Method to 'show' a Parcels Field :param animation: Boolean whether result is a single plot, or an animation :param show_time: Time at which to show the Field (only in single-plot mode) :param domain: dictionary (with keys 'N', 'S', 'E', 'W') defining domain to show :param depth_level: depth level to be plotted (default 0) :param projection: type of cartopy projection to use (default PlateCarree) :param land: Boolean whether to show land. This is ignored for flat meshes :param vmin: minimum colour scale (only in single-plot mode) :param vmax: maximum colour scale (only in single-plot mode) :param savefile: Name of a file to save the plot to """ from parcels.plotting import plotfield plt, _, _, _ = plotfield(self, animation=animation, show_time=show_time, domain=domain, depth_level=depth_level, projection=projection, land=land, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, savefile=savefile, **kwargs) if plt:
[docs] def add_periodic_halo(self, zonal, meridional, halosize=5, data=None): """Add a 'halo' to all Fields in a FieldSet, through extending the Field (and lon/lat) by copying a small portion of the field on one side of the domain to the other. Before adding a periodic halo to the Field, it has to be added to the Grid on which the Field depends See `this tutorial <>`_ for a detailed explanation on how to set up periodic boundaries :param zonal: Create a halo in zonal direction (boolean) :param meridional: Create a halo in meridional direction (boolean) :param halosize: size of the halo (in grid points). Default is 5 grid points :param data: if data is not None, the periodic halo will be achieved on data instead of and data will be returned """ dataNone = not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, da.core.Array)) if self.grid.defer_load and dataNone: return data = if dataNone else data lib = np if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) else da if zonal: if len(data.shape) == 3: data = lib.concatenate((data[:, :, -halosize:], data, data[:, :, 0:halosize]), axis=len(data.shape)-1) assert data.shape[2] == self.grid.xdim, "Third dim must be x." else: data = lib.concatenate((data[:, :, :, -halosize:], data, data[:, :, :, 0:halosize]), axis=len(data.shape) - 1) assert data.shape[3] == self.grid.xdim, "Fourth dim must be x." self.lon = self.grid.lon = if meridional: if len(data.shape) == 3: data = lib.concatenate((data[:, -halosize:, :], data, data[:, 0:halosize, :]), axis=len(data.shape)-2) assert data.shape[1] == self.grid.ydim, "Second dim must be y." else: data = lib.concatenate((data[:, :, -halosize:, :], data, data[:, :, 0:halosize, :]), axis=len(data.shape) - 2) assert data.shape[2] == self.grid.ydim, "Third dim must be y." = if dataNone: = data else: return data
[docs] def write(self, filename, varname=None): """Write a :class:`Field` to a netcdf file :param filename: Basename of the file :param varname: Name of the field, to be appended to the filename""" filepath = str(Path('' % (filename, if varname is None: varname = # Derive name of 'depth' variable for NEMO convention vname_depth = 'depth%s' % # Create DataArray objects for file I/O if self.grid.gtype == GridCode.RectilinearZGrid: nav_lon = xr.DataArray(self.grid.lon + np.zeros((self.grid.ydim, self.grid.xdim), dtype=np.float32), coords=[('y',, ('x', self.grid.lon)]) nav_lat = xr.DataArray(, 1) + np.zeros(self.grid.xdim, dtype=np.float32), coords=[('y',, ('x', self.grid.lon)]) elif self.grid.gtype == GridCode.CurvilinearZGrid: nav_lon = xr.DataArray(self.grid.lon, coords=[('y', range(self.grid.ydim)), ('x', range(self.grid.xdim))]) nav_lat = xr.DataArray(, coords=[('y', range(self.grid.ydim)), ('x', range(self.grid.xdim))]) else: raise NotImplementedError('Field.write only implemented for RectilinearZGrid and CurvilinearZGrid') attrs = {'units': 'seconds since ' + str(self.grid.time_origin)} if self.grid.time_origin.calendar else {} time_counter = xr.DataArray(self.grid.time, dims=['time_counter'], attrs=attrs) vardata = xr.DataArray(, self.grid.zdim, self.grid.ydim, self.grid.xdim)), dims=['time_counter', vname_depth, 'y', 'x']) # Create xarray Dataset and output to netCDF format attrs = {'parcels_mesh': self.grid.mesh} dset = xr.Dataset({varname: vardata}, coords={'nav_lon': nav_lon, 'nav_lat': nav_lat, 'time_counter': time_counter, vname_depth: self.grid.depth}, attrs=attrs) dset.to_netcdf(filepath)
def rescale_and_set_minmax(self, data): data[np.isnan(data)] = 0 if self._scaling_factor: data *= self._scaling_factor if self.vmin is not None: data[data < self.vmin] = 0 if self.vmax is not None: data[data > self.vmax] = 0 return data def data_concatenate(self, data, data_to_concat, tindex): if data[tindex] is not None: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data[tindex] = None elif isinstance(data, list): del data[tindex] lib = np if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) else da if tindex == 0: data = lib.concatenate([data_to_concat, data[tindex+1:, :]], axis=0) elif tindex == 1: data = lib.concatenate([data[:tindex, :], data_to_concat], axis=0) else: raise ValueError("data_concatenate is used for computeTimeChunk, with tindex in [0, 1]") return data def advancetime(self, field_new, advanceForward): if isinstance( is not isinstance(field_new): logger.warning("[Field.advancetime] New field data and persistent field data have different types - time advance not possible.") return lib = np if isinstance(, np.ndarray) else da if advanceForward == 1: # forward in time, so appending at end = lib.concatenate(([1:, :, :],[:, :, :]), 0) self.time = self.grid.time else: # backward in time, so prepending at start = lib.concatenate(([:, :, :],[:-1, :, :]), 0) self.time = self.grid.time def computeTimeChunk(self, data, tindex): g = self.grid timestamp = self.timestamps if timestamp is not None: summedlen = np.cumsum([len(ls) for ls in self.timestamps]) if g.ti + tindex >= summedlen[-1]: ti = g.ti + tindex - summedlen[-1] else: ti = g.ti + tindex timestamp = self.timestamps[np.where(ti < summedlen)[0][0]] rechunk_callback_fields = self.chunk_setup if isinstance(tindex, list) else None filebuffer = self._field_fb_class(self.dataFiles[g.ti + tindex], self.dimensions, self.indices, netcdf_engine=self.netcdf_engine, timestamp=timestamp, interp_method=self.interp_method, data_full_zdim=self.data_full_zdim, chunksize=self.chunksize, rechunk_callback_fields=rechunk_callback_fields, chunkdims_name_map=self.netcdf_chunkdims_name_map) filebuffer.__enter__() time_data = filebuffer.time time_data = g.time_origin.reltime(time_data) filebuffer.ti = (time_data <= g.time[tindex]).argmin() - 1 if self.netcdf_engine != 'xarray': = filebuffer.parse_name(self.filebuffername) buffer_data = lib = np if isinstance(buffer_data, np.ndarray) else da if len(buffer_data.shape) == 2: buffer_data = lib.reshape(buffer_data, sum(((1, 1), buffer_data.shape), ())) elif len(buffer_data.shape) == 3 and g.zdim > 1: buffer_data = lib.reshape(buffer_data, sum(((1, ), buffer_data.shape), ())) elif len(buffer_data.shape) == 3: buffer_data = lib.reshape(buffer_data, sum(((buffer_data.shape[0], 1, ), buffer_data.shape[1:]), ())) data = self.data_concatenate(data, buffer_data, tindex) self.filebuffers[tindex] = filebuffer return data def __add__(self, field): if isinstance(self, Field) and isinstance(field, Field): return SummedField('_SummedField', [self, field]) elif isinstance(field, SummedField): assert isinstance(self, type(field[0])), 'Fields in a SummedField should be either all scalars or all vectors' field.insert(0, self) return field
[docs]class VectorField(object): """Class VectorField stores 2 or 3 fields which defines together a vector field. This enables to interpolate them as one single vector field in the kernels. :param name: Name of the vector field :param U: field defining the zonal component :param V: field defining the meridional component :param W: field defining the vertical component (default: None) """ def __init__(self, name, U, V, W=None): = name self.U = U self.V = V self.W = W self.vector_type = '3D' if W else '2D' self.gridindexingtype = U.gridindexingtype if self.U.interp_method == 'cgrid_velocity': assert self.V.interp_method == 'cgrid_velocity', ( 'Interpolation methods of U and V are not the same.') assert self._check_grid_dimensions(U.grid, V.grid), ( 'Dimensions of U and V are not the same.') if self.vector_type == '3D': assert self.W.interp_method == 'cgrid_velocity', ( 'Interpolation methods of U and W are not the same.') assert self._check_grid_dimensions(U.grid, W.grid), ( 'Dimensions of U and W are not the same.') @staticmethod def _check_grid_dimensions(grid1, grid2): return (np.allclose(grid1.lon, grid2.lon) and np.allclose(, and np.allclose(grid1.depth, grid2.depth) and np.allclose(grid1.time_full, grid2.time_full)) def dist(self, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, mesh, lat): if mesh == 'spherical': rad = np.pi/180. deg2m = 1852 * 60. return np.sqrt(((lon2-lon1)*deg2m*math.cos(rad * lat))**2 + ((lat2-lat1)*deg2m)**2) else: return np.sqrt((lon2-lon1)**2 + (lat2-lat1)**2) def jacobian(self, xsi, eta, px, py): dphidxsi = [eta-1, 1-eta, eta, -eta] dphideta = [xsi-1, -xsi, xsi, 1-xsi] dxdxsi =, dphidxsi) dxdeta =, dphideta) dydxsi =, dphidxsi) dydeta =, dphideta) jac = dxdxsi*dydeta - dxdeta*dydxsi return jac def spatial_c_grid_interpolation2D(self, ti, z, y, x, time, particle=None): grid = self.U.grid (xsi, eta, zeta, xi, yi, zi) = self.U.search_indices(x, y, z, ti, time, particle=particle) if grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearSGrid, GridCode.RectilinearZGrid]: px = np.array([grid.lon[xi], grid.lon[xi+1], grid.lon[xi+1], grid.lon[xi]]) py = np.array([[yi],[yi],[yi+1],[yi+1]]) else: px = np.array([grid.lon[yi, xi], grid.lon[yi, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi]]) py = np.array([[yi, xi],[yi, xi+1],[yi+1, xi+1],[yi+1, xi]]) if grid.mesh == 'spherical': px[0] = px[0]+360 if px[0] < x-225 else px[0] px[0] = px[0]-360 if px[0] > x+225 else px[0] px[1:] = np.where(px[1:] - px[0] > 180, px[1:]-360, px[1:]) px[1:] = np.where(-px[1:] + px[0] > 180, px[1:]+360, px[1:]) xx = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * px[0] + xsi*(1-eta) * px[1] + xsi*eta * px[2] + (1-xsi)*eta * px[3] assert abs(xx-x) < 1e-4 c1 = self.dist(px[0], px[1], py[0], py[1], grid.mesh,, 0.), py)) c2 = self.dist(px[1], px[2], py[1], py[2], grid.mesh,, eta), py)) c3 = self.dist(px[2], px[3], py[2], py[3], grid.mesh,, 1.), py)) c4 = self.dist(px[3], px[0], py[3], py[0], grid.mesh,, eta), py)) if grid.zdim == 1: if self.gridindexingtype == 'nemo': U0 =[ti, yi+1, xi] * c4 U1 =[ti, yi+1, xi+1] * c2 V0 =[ti, yi, xi+1] * c1 V1 =[ti, yi+1, xi+1] * c3 elif self.gridindexingtype == 'mitgcm': U0 =[ti, yi, xi] * c4 U1 =[ti, yi, xi + 1] * c2 V0 =[ti, yi, xi] * c1 V1 =[ti, yi + 1, xi] * c3 else: if self.gridindexingtype == 'nemo': U0 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi] * c4 U1 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] * c2 V0 =[ti, zi, yi, xi+1] * c1 V1 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] * c3 elif self.gridindexingtype == 'mitgcm': U0 =[ti, zi, yi, xi] * c4 U1 =[ti, zi, yi, xi + 1] * c2 V0 =[ti, zi, yi, xi] * c1 V1 =[ti, zi, yi + 1, xi] * c3 U = (1-xsi) * U0 + xsi * U1 V = (1-eta) * V0 + eta * V1 rad = np.pi/180. deg2m = 1852 * 60. meshJac = (deg2m * deg2m * math.cos(rad * y)) if grid.mesh == 'spherical' else 1 jac = self.jacobian(xsi, eta, px, py) * meshJac u = ((-(1-eta) * U - (1-xsi) * V) * px[0] + ((1-eta) * U - xsi * V) * px[1] + (eta * U + xsi * V) * px[2] + (-eta * U + (1-xsi) * V) * px[3]) / jac v = ((-(1-eta) * U - (1-xsi) * V) * py[0] + ((1-eta) * U - xsi * V) * py[1] + (eta * U + xsi * V) * py[2] + (-eta * U + (1-xsi) * V) * py[3]) / jac if isinstance(u, da.core.Array): u = u.compute() v = v.compute() return (u, v) def spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D_full(self, ti, z, y, x, time, particle=None): grid = self.U.grid (xsi, eta, zet, xi, yi, zi) = self.U.search_indices(x, y, z, ti, time, particle=particle) if grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearSGrid, GridCode.RectilinearZGrid]: px = np.array([grid.lon[xi], grid.lon[xi+1], grid.lon[xi+1], grid.lon[xi]]) py = np.array([[yi],[yi],[yi+1],[yi+1]]) else: px = np.array([grid.lon[yi, xi], grid.lon[yi, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi+1], grid.lon[yi+1, xi]]) py = np.array([[yi, xi],[yi, xi+1],[yi+1, xi+1],[yi+1, xi]]) if grid.mesh == 'spherical': px[0] = px[0]+360 if px[0] < x-225 else px[0] px[0] = px[0]-360 if px[0] > x+225 else px[0] px[1:] = np.where(px[1:] - px[0] > 180, px[1:]-360, px[1:]) px[1:] = np.where(-px[1:] + px[0] > 180, px[1:]+360, px[1:]) xx = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * px[0] + xsi*(1-eta) * px[1] + xsi*eta * px[2] + (1-xsi)*eta * px[3] assert abs(xx-x) < 1e-4 px = np.concatenate((px, px)) py = np.concatenate((py, py)) if grid.z4d: pz = np.array([grid.depth[0, zi, yi, xi], grid.depth[0, zi, yi, xi+1], grid.depth[0, zi, yi+1, xi+1], grid.depth[0, zi, yi+1, xi], grid.depth[0, zi+1, yi, xi], grid.depth[0, zi+1, yi, xi+1], grid.depth[0, zi+1, yi+1, xi+1], grid.depth[0, zi+1, yi+1, xi]]) else: pz = np.array([grid.depth[zi, yi, xi], grid.depth[zi, yi, xi+1], grid.depth[zi, yi+1, xi+1], grid.depth[zi, yi+1, xi], grid.depth[zi+1, yi, xi], grid.depth[zi+1, yi, xi+1], grid.depth[zi+1, yi+1, xi+1], grid.depth[zi+1, yi+1, xi]]) u0 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi] u1 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] v0 =[ti, zi, yi, xi+1] v1 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] w0 =[ti, zi, yi+1, xi+1] w1 =[ti, zi+1, yi+1, xi+1] U0 = u0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, 0, eta, zet, 'zonal', grid.mesh) U1 = u1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, 1, eta, zet, 'zonal', grid.mesh) V0 = v0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, 0, zet, 'meridional', grid.mesh) V1 = v1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, 1, zet, 'meridional', grid.mesh) W0 = w0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, eta, 0, 'vertical', grid.mesh) W1 = w1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, eta, 1, 'vertical', grid.mesh) # Computing fluxes in half left hexahedron -> flux_u05 xx = [px[0], (px[0]+px[1])/2, (px[2]+px[3])/2, px[3], px[4], (px[4]+px[5])/2, (px[6]+px[7])/2, px[7]] yy = [py[0], (py[0]+py[1])/2, (py[2]+py[3])/2, py[3], py[4], (py[4]+py[5])/2, (py[6]+py[7])/2, py[7]] zz = [pz[0], (pz[0]+pz[1])/2, (pz[2]+pz[3])/2, pz[3], pz[4], (pz[4]+pz[5])/2, (pz[6]+pz[7])/2, pz[7]] flux_u0 = u0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, 0, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) flux_v0_halfx = v0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, 0, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) flux_v1_halfx = v1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, 1, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) flux_w0_halfx = w0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, .5, 0, 'vertical', grid.mesh) flux_w1_halfx = w1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, .5, 1, 'vertical', grid.mesh) flux_u05 = flux_u0 + flux_v0_halfx - flux_v1_halfx + flux_w0_halfx - flux_w1_halfx # Computing fluxes in half front hexahedron -> flux_v05 xx = [px[0], px[1], (px[1]+px[2])/2, (px[0]+px[3])/2, px[4], px[5], (px[5]+px[6])/2, (px[4]+px[7])/2] yy = [py[0], py[1], (py[1]+py[2])/2, (py[0]+py[3])/2, py[4], py[5], (py[5]+py[6])/2, (py[4]+py[7])/2] zz = [pz[0], pz[1], (pz[1]+pz[2])/2, (pz[0]+pz[3])/2, pz[4], pz[5], (pz[5]+pz[6])/2, (pz[4]+pz[7])/2] flux_u0_halfy = u0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, 0, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) flux_u1_halfy = u1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, 1, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) flux_v0 = v0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, 0, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) flux_w0_halfy = w0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, .5, 0, 'vertical', grid.mesh) flux_w1_halfy = w1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, .5, 1, 'vertical', grid.mesh) flux_v05 = flux_u0_halfy - flux_u1_halfy + flux_v0 + flux_w0_halfy - flux_w1_halfy # Computing fluxes in half lower hexahedron -> flux_w05 xx = [px[0], px[1], px[2], px[3], (px[0]+px[4])/2, (px[1]+px[5])/2, (px[2]+px[6])/2, (px[3]+px[7])/2] yy = [py[0], py[1], py[2], py[3], (py[0]+py[4])/2, (py[1]+py[5])/2, (py[2]+py[6])/2, (py[3]+py[7])/2] zz = [pz[0], pz[1], pz[2], pz[3], (pz[0]+pz[4])/2, (pz[1]+pz[5])/2, (pz[2]+pz[6])/2, (pz[3]+pz[7])/2] flux_u0_halfz = u0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, 0, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) flux_u1_halfz = u1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, 1, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) flux_v0_halfz = v0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, 0, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) flux_v1_halfz = v1 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, 1, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) flux_w0 = w0 * i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(xx, yy, zz, .5, .5, 0, 'vertical', grid.mesh) flux_w05 = flux_u0_halfz - flux_u1_halfz + flux_v0_halfz - flux_v1_halfz + flux_w0 surf_u05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, .5, .5, .5, 'zonal', grid.mesh) jac_u05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, .5, eta, zet, 'zonal', grid.mesh) U05 = flux_u05 / surf_u05 * jac_u05 surf_v05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, .5, .5, .5, 'meridional', grid.mesh) jac_v05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, .5, zet, 'meridional', grid.mesh) V05 = flux_v05 / surf_v05 * jac_v05 surf_w05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, .5, .5, .5, 'vertical', grid.mesh) jac_w05 = i_u.jacobian3D_lin_face(px, py, pz, xsi, eta, .5, 'vertical', grid.mesh) W05 = flux_w05 / surf_w05 * jac_w05 jac = i_u.jacobian3D_lin(px, py, pz, xsi, eta, zet, grid.mesh) dxsidt = i_u.interpolate(i_u.phi1D_quad, [U0, U05, U1], xsi) / jac detadt = i_u.interpolate(i_u.phi1D_quad, [V0, V05, V1], eta) / jac dzetdt = i_u.interpolate(i_u.phi1D_quad, [W0, W05, W1], zet) / jac dphidxsi, dphideta, dphidzet = i_u.dphidxsi3D_lin(xsi, eta, zet) u =, px) * dxsidt +, px) * detadt +, px) * dzetdt v =, py) * dxsidt +, py) * detadt +, py) * dzetdt w =, pz) * dxsidt +, pz) * detadt +, pz) * dzetdt if isinstance(u, da.core.Array): u = u.compute() v = v.compute() w = w.compute() return (u, v, w)
[docs] def spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D(self, ti, z, y, x, time, particle=None): """ +---+---+---+ | |V1 | | +---+---+---+ |U0 | |U1 | +---+---+---+ | |V0 | | +---+---+---+ The interpolation is done in the following by interpolating linearly U depending on the longitude coordinate and interpolating linearly V depending on the latitude coordinate. Curvilinear grids are treated properly, since the element is projected to a rectilinear parent element. """ if self.U.grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearSGrid, GridCode.CurvilinearSGrid]: (u, v, w) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D_full(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) else: (u, v) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation2D(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) w = self.W.eval(time, z, y, x, particle=particle, applyConversion=False) w = self.W.units.to_target(w, x, y, z) return (u, v, w)
def eval(self, time, z, y, x, particle=None): if self.U.interp_method != 'cgrid_velocity': u = self.U.eval(time, z, y, x, particle=particle, applyConversion=False) v = self.V.eval(time, z, y, x, particle=particle, applyConversion=False) u = self.U.units.to_target(u, x, y, z) v = self.V.units.to_target(v, x, y, z) if self.vector_type == '3D': w = self.W.eval(time, z, y, x, particle=particle, applyConversion=False) w = self.W.units.to_target(w, x, y, z) return (u, v, w) else: return (u, v) else: grid = self.U.grid (ti, periods) = self.U.time_index(time) time -= periods*(grid.time_full[-1]-grid.time_full[0]) if ti < grid.tdim-1 and time > grid.time[ti]: t0 = grid.time[ti] t1 = grid.time[ti + 1] if self.vector_type == '3D': (u0, v0, w0) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) (u1, v1, w1) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D(ti + 1, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) w = w0 + (w1 - w0) * ((time - t0) / (t1 - t0)) else: (u0, v0) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation2D(ti, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) (u1, v1) = self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation2D(ti + 1, z, y, x, time, particle=particle) u = u0 + (u1 - u0) * ((time - t0) / (t1 - t0)) v = v0 + (v1 - v0) * ((time - t0) / (t1 - t0)) if self.vector_type == '3D': return (u, v, w) else: return (u, v) else: # Skip temporal interpolation if time is outside # of the defined time range or if we have hit an # exact value in the time array. if self.vector_type == '3D': return self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation3D(ti, z, y, x, grid.time[ti], particle=particle) else: return self.spatial_c_grid_interpolation2D(ti, z, y, x, grid.time[ti], particle=particle) def __getitem__(self, key): if _isParticle(key): return self.eval(key.time, key.depth,, key.lon, key) else: return self.eval(*key) def ccode_eval(self, varU, varV, varW, U, V, W, t, z, y, x): # Casting interp_methd to int as easier to pass on in C-code if self.vector_type == '3D': return "temporal_interpolationUVW(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, " \ % (x, y, z, t, U.ccode_name, V.ccode_name, W.ccode_name) + \ "&particles->xi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->yi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->zi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->ti[pnum*ngrid]," \ "&%s, &%s, &%s, %s, %s)" \ % (varU, varV, varW, U.interp_method.upper(), U.gridindexingtype.upper()) else: return "temporal_interpolationUV(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, " \ % (x, y, z, t, U.ccode_name, V.ccode_name) + \ "&particles->xi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->yi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->zi[pnum*ngrid], &particles->ti[pnum*ngrid]," \ " &%s, &%s, %s, %s)" \ % (varU, varV, U.interp_method.upper(), U.gridindexingtype.upper())
class DeferredArray(): """Class used for throwing error when is not read in deferred loading mode""" data_shape = () def __init__(self): self.data_shape = (1,) def compute_shape(self, xdim, ydim, zdim, tdim, tslices): if zdim == 1 and tdim == 1: self.data_shape = (tslices, 1, ydim, xdim) elif zdim > 1 or tdim > 1: if zdim > 1: self.data_shape = (1, zdim, ydim, xdim) else: self.data_shape = (max(tdim, tslices), 1, ydim, xdim) else: self.data_shape = (tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim) return self.data_shape def __getitem__(self, key): raise RuntimeError("Field is in deferred_load mode, so can't be accessed. Use .computeTimeChunk() method to force loading of data")
[docs]class SummedField(list): """Class SummedField is a list of Fields over which Field interpolation is summed. This can e.g. be used when combining multiple flow fields, where the total flow is the sum of all the individual flows. Note that the individual Fields can be on different Grids. Also note that, since SummedFields are lists, the individual Fields can still be queried through their list index (e.g. SummedField[1]). SummedField is composed of either Fields or VectorFields. See `here <>`_ for a detailed tutorial :param name: Name of the SummedField :param F: List of fields. F can be a scalar Field, a VectorField, or the zonal component (U) of the VectorField :param V: List of fields defining the meridional component of a VectorField, if F is the zonal component. (default: None) :param W: List of fields defining the vertical component of a VectorField, if F and V are the zonal and meridional components (default: None) """ def __init__(self, name, F, V=None, W=None): if V is None: if isinstance(F[0], VectorField): vector_type = F[0].vector_type for Fi in F: assert isinstance(Fi, Field) or (isinstance(Fi, VectorField) and Fi.vector_type == vector_type), 'Components of a SummedField must be Field or VectorField' self.append(Fi) elif W is None: for (i, Fi, Vi) in zip(range(len(F)), F, V): assert isinstance(Fi, Field) and isinstance(Vi, Field), \ 'F, and V components of a SummedField must be Field' self.append(VectorField(name+'_%d' % i, Fi, Vi)) else: for (i, Fi, Vi, Wi) in zip(range(len(F)), F, V, W): assert isinstance(Fi, Field) and isinstance(Vi, Field) and isinstance(Wi, Field), \ 'F, V and W components of a SummedField must be Field' self.append(VectorField(name+'_%d' % i, Fi, Vi, Wi)) = name def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return list.__getitem__(self, key) else: vals = [] val = None for iField in range(len(self)): if _isParticle(key): val = list.__getitem__(self, iField).eval(key.time, key.depth,, key.lon, particle=None) else: val = list.__getitem__(self, iField).eval(*key) vals.append(val) return tuple(np.sum(vals, 0)) if isinstance(val, tuple) else np.sum(vals) def __add__(self, field): if isinstance(field, Field): assert isinstance(self[0], type(field)), 'Fields in a SummedField should be either all scalars or all vectors' self.append(field) elif isinstance(field, SummedField): assert isinstance(self[0], type(field[0])), 'Fields in a SummedField should be either all scalars or all vectors' for fld in field: self.append(fld) return self
[docs]class NestedField(list): """Class NestedField is a list of Fields from which the first one to be not declared out-of-boundaries at particle position is interpolated. This induces that the order of the fields in the list matters. Each one it its turn, a field is interpolated: if the interpolation succeeds or if an error other than `ErrorOutOfBounds` is thrown, the function is stopped. Otherwise, next field is interpolated. NestedField returns an `ErrorOutOfBounds` only if last field is as well out of boundaries. NestedField is composed of either Fields or VectorFields. See `here <>`_ for a detailed tutorial :param name: Name of the NestedField :param F: List of fields (order matters). F can be a scalar Field, a VectorField, or the zonal component (U) of the VectorField :param V: List of fields defining the meridional component of a VectorField, if F is the zonal component. (default: None) :param W: List of fields defining the vertical component of a VectorField, if F and V are the zonal and meridional components (default: None) """ def __init__(self, name, F, V=None, W=None): if V is None: if isinstance(F[0], VectorField): vector_type = F[0].vector_type for Fi in F: assert isinstance(Fi, Field) or (isinstance(Fi, VectorField) and Fi.vector_type == vector_type), 'Components of a NestedField must be Field or VectorField' self.append(Fi) elif W is None: for (i, Fi, Vi) in zip(range(len(F)), F, V): assert isinstance(Fi, Field) and isinstance(Vi, Field), \ 'F, and V components of a NestedField must be Field' self.append(VectorField(name+'_%d' % i, Fi, Vi)) else: for (i, Fi, Vi, Wi) in zip(range(len(F)), F, V, W): assert isinstance(Fi, Field) and isinstance(Vi, Field) and isinstance(Wi, Field), \ 'F, V and W components of a NestedField must be Field' self.append(VectorField(name+'_%d' % i, Fi, Vi, Wi)) = name def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return list.__getitem__(self, key) else: for iField in range(len(self)): try: if _isParticle(key): val = list.__getitem__(self, iField).eval(key.time, key.depth,, key.lon, particle=None) else: val = list.__getitem__(self, iField).eval(*key) break except (FieldOutOfBoundError, FieldSamplingError): if iField == len(self)-1: raise else: pass return val