Source code for parcels.kernel

import _ctypes
import inspect
import math  # noqa
import random  # noqa
import re
import time
from ast import FunctionDef
from ast import parse
from copy import deepcopy
from ctypes import byref
from ctypes import c_double
from ctypes import c_int
from hashlib import md5
from os import path
from os import remove
from sys import platform
from sys import version_info
from weakref import finalize

import numpy as np
import numpy.ctypeslib as npct
    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None

from parcels.compilation.codegenerator import KernelGenerator
from parcels.compilation.codegenerator import LoopGenerator
from import get_cache_dir
from parcels.field import Field
from parcels.field import FieldOutOfBoundError
from parcels.field import FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError
from parcels.field import TimeExtrapolationError
from parcels.field import NestedField
from parcels.field import SummedField
from parcels.field import VectorField
from parcels.grid import GridCode
from parcels.kernels.advection import AdvectionRK4_3D
from parcels.kernels.advection import AdvectionAnalytical
import parcels.rng as ParcelsRandom  # noqa
from import StateCode, OperationCode, ErrorCode
from import recovery_map as recovery_base_map
from import logger

__all__ = ['Kernel']

re_indent = re.compile(r"^(\s+)")

def fix_indentation(string):
    """Fix indentation to allow in-lined kernel definitions"""
    lines = string.split('\n')
    indent = re_indent.match(lines[0])
    if indent:
        lines = [line.replace(indent.groups()[0], '', 1) for line in lines]
    return "\n".join(lines)

[docs]class Kernel(object): """Kernel object that encapsulates auto-generated code. :arg fieldset: FieldSet object providing the field information :arg ptype: PType object for the kernel particle :param delete_cfiles: Boolean whether to delete the C-files after compilation in JIT mode (default is True) Note: A Kernel is either created from a compiled <function ...> object or the necessary information (funcname, funccode, funcvars) is provided. The py_ast argument may be derived from the code string, but for concatenation, the merged AST plus the new header definition is required. """ def __init__(self, fieldset, ptype, pyfunc=None, funcname=None, funccode=None, py_ast=None, funcvars=None, c_include="", delete_cfiles=True): self.fieldset = fieldset self.ptype = ptype self._lib = None self.delete_cfiles = delete_cfiles self._cleanup_files = None self._cleanup_lib = None self.c_include = c_include # Derive meta information from pyfunc, if not given self.funcname = funcname or pyfunc.__name__ if pyfunc is AdvectionRK4_3D: warning = False if isinstance(fieldset.W, Field) and fieldset.W.creation_log != 'from_nemo' and \ fieldset.W._scaling_factor is not None and fieldset.W._scaling_factor > 0: warning = True if type(fieldset.W) in [SummedField, NestedField]: for f in fieldset.W: if f.creation_log != 'from_nemo' and f._scaling_factor is not None and f._scaling_factor > 0: warning = True if warning: logger.warning_once('Note that in AdvectionRK4_3D, vertical velocity is assumed positive towards increasing z.\n' ' If z increases downward and w is positive upward you can re-orient it downwards by setting fieldset.W.set_scaling_factor(-1.)') elif pyfunc is AdvectionAnalytical: if ptype.uses_jit: raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works in Scipy mode') if fieldset.U.interp_method != 'cgrid_velocity': raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works with C-grids') if fieldset.U.grid.gtype not in [GridCode.CurvilinearZGrid, GridCode.RectilinearZGrid]: raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works with Z-grids in the vertical') if funcvars is not None: self.funcvars = funcvars elif hasattr(pyfunc, '__code__'): self.funcvars = list(pyfunc.__code__.co_varnames) else: self.funcvars = None self.funccode = funccode or inspect.getsource(pyfunc.__code__) # Parse AST if it is not provided explicitly self.py_ast = py_ast or parse(fix_indentation(self.funccode)).body[0] if pyfunc is None: # Extract user context by inspecting the call stack stack = inspect.stack() try: user_ctx = stack[-1][0].f_globals user_ctx['math'] = globals()['math'] user_ctx['ParcelsRandom'] = globals()['ParcelsRandom'] user_ctx['random'] = globals()['random'] user_ctx['StateCode'] = globals()['StateCode'] user_ctx['OperationCode'] = globals()['OperationCode'] user_ctx['ErrorCode'] = globals()['ErrorCode'] except: logger.warning("Could not access user context when merging kernels") user_ctx = globals() finally: del stack # Remove cyclic references # Compile and generate Python function from AST py_mod = parse("") py_mod.body = [self.py_ast] exec(compile(py_mod, "<ast>", "exec"), user_ctx) self.pyfunc = user_ctx[self.funcname] else: self.pyfunc = pyfunc if version_info[0] < 3: numkernelargs = len(inspect.getargspec(self.pyfunc).args) else: numkernelargs = len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.pyfunc).args) assert numkernelargs == 3, \ 'Since Parcels v2.0, kernels do only take 3 arguments: particle, fieldset, time !! AND !! Argument order in field interpolation is time, depth, lat, lon.' = "%s%s" % (, self.funcname) # Generate the kernel function and add the outer loop if self.ptype.uses_jit: kernelgen = KernelGenerator(fieldset, ptype) kernel_ccode = kernelgen.generate(deepcopy(self.py_ast), self.funcvars) self.field_args = kernelgen.field_args self.vector_field_args = kernelgen.vector_field_args fieldset = self.fieldset for f in self.vector_field_args.values(): Wname = f.W.ccode_name if f.W else 'not_defined' for sF_name, sF_component in zip([f.U.ccode_name, f.V.ccode_name, Wname], ['U', 'V', 'W']): if sF_name not in self.field_args: if sF_name != 'not_defined': self.field_args[sF_name] = getattr(f, sF_component) self.const_args = kernelgen.const_args loopgen = LoopGenerator(fieldset, ptype) if path.isfile(c_include): with open(c_include, 'r') as f: c_include_str = else: c_include_str = c_include self.ccode = loopgen.generate(self.funcname, self.field_args, self.const_args, kernel_ccode, c_include_str) if MPI: mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank() basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), self._cache_key) if mpi_rank == 0 else None basename = mpi_comm.bcast(basename, root=0) basename = basename + "_%d" % mpi_rank else: basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s_0" % self._cache_key) self.src_file = "%s.c" % basename self.lib_file = "%s.%s" % (basename, 'dll' if platform == 'win32' else 'so') self.log_file = "%s.log" % basename @property def _cache_key(self): field_keys = "-".join(["%s:%s" % (name, field.units.__class__.__name__) for name, field in self.field_args.items()]) key = + self.ptype._cache_key + field_keys + ('TIME:%f' % time.time()) return md5(key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] def remove_lib(self): # Unload the currently loaded dynamic linked library to be secure if self._lib is not None: _ctypes.FreeLibrary(self._lib._handle) if platform == 'win32' else _ctypes.dlclose(self._lib._handle) del self._lib self._lib = None # deactivate the cleanup finalizers for the current set of files if self._cleanup_files is not None: self._cleanup_files.detach() if self._cleanup_lib is not None: self._cleanup_lib.detach() # If file already exists, pull new names. This is necessary on a Windows machine, because # Python's ctype does not deal in any sort of manner well with dynamic linked libraries on this OS. if path.isfile(self.lib_file): [remove(s) for s in [self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file]] if MPI: mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank() basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), self._cache_key) if mpi_rank == 0 else None basename = mpi_comm.bcast(basename, root=0) basename = basename + "_%d" % mpi_rank else: basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s_0" % self._cache_key) self.src_file = "%s.c" % basename self.lib_file = "%s.%s" % (basename, 'dll' if platform == 'win32' else 'so') self.log_file = "%s.log" % basename
[docs] def compile(self, compiler): """ Writes kernel code to file and compiles it.""" with open(self.src_file, 'w') as f: f.write(self.ccode) compiler.compile(self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file)"Compiled %s ==> %s" % (, self.lib_file)) self._cleanup_files = finalize(self, cleanup_remove_files, self.delete_cfiles, self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file)
[docs] def load_lib(self): self._lib = npct.load_library(self.lib_file, '.') self._function = self._lib.particle_loop self._cleanup_lib = finalize(self, cleanup_unload_lib, self._lib)
[docs] def execute_jit(self, pset, endtime, dt): """Invokes JIT engine to perform the core update loop""" if pset.fieldset is not None: for g in pset.fieldset.gridset.grids: g.cstruct = None # This force to point newly the grids from Python to C # Make a copy of the transposed array to enforce # C-contiguous memory layout for JIT mode. for f in pset.fieldset.get_fields(): if type(f) in [VectorField, NestedField, SummedField]: continue if f in self.field_args.values(): f.chunk_data() else: for block_id in range(len(f.data_chunks)): f.data_chunks[block_id] = None f.c_data_chunks[block_id] = None for g in pset.fieldset.gridset.grids: g.load_chunk = np.where(g.load_chunk == g.chunk_loading_requested, g.chunk_loaded_touched, g.load_chunk) if len(g.load_chunk) > g.chunk_not_loaded: # not the case if a field in not called in the kernel if not g.load_chunk.flags.c_contiguous: g.load_chunk = g.load_chunk.copy() if not g.depth.flags.c_contiguous: g.depth = g.depth.copy() if not g.lon.flags.c_contiguous: g.lon = g.lon.copy() if not = fargs = [byref(f.ctypes_struct) for f in self.field_args.values()] fargs += [c_double(f) for f in self.const_args.values()] particle_data = byref(pset.ctypes_struct) return self._function(c_int(len(pset)), particle_data, c_double(endtime), c_double(dt), *fargs)
[docs] def execute_python(self, pset, endtime, dt): """Performs the core update loop via Python""" sign_dt = np.sign(dt) if 'AdvectionAnalytical' in self.pyfunc.__name__: analytical = True if not np.isinf(dt): logger.warning_once('dt is not used in AnalyticalAdvection, so is set to np.inf') dt = np.inf else: analytical = False # back up variables in case of OperationCode.Repeat p_var_back = {} if self.fieldset is not None: for f in self.fieldset.get_fields(): if type(f) in [VectorField, NestedField, SummedField]: continue = np.array( for p in pset: # Don't execute particles that aren't started yet sign_end_part = np.sign(endtime - p.time) # Compute min/max dt for first timestep dt_pos = min(abs(p.dt), abs(endtime - p.time)) # ==== numerically stable; also making sure that continuously-recovered particles do end successfully, # as they fulfil the condition here on entering at the final calculation here. ==== # if ((sign_end_part != sign_dt) or np.isclose(dt_pos, 0)) and not np.isclose(dt, 0): if abs(p.time) >= abs(endtime): p.set_state(StateCode.Success) continue while p.state in [StateCode.Evaluate, OperationCode.Repeat] or np.isclose(dt, 0): for var in pset.collection.ptype.variables: p_var_back[] = getattr(p, try: pdt_prekernels = sign_dt * dt_pos p.dt = pdt_prekernels state_prev = p.state res = self.pyfunc(p, pset.fieldset, p.time) if res is None: res = StateCode.Success if res is StateCode.Success and p.state != state_prev: res = p.state if not analytical and res == StateCode.Success and not np.isclose(p.dt, pdt_prekernels): res = OperationCode.Repeat except FieldOutOfBoundError as fse_xy: res = ErrorCode.ErrorOutOfBounds p.exception = fse_xy except FieldOutOfBoundSurfaceError as fse_z: res = ErrorCode.ErrorThroughSurface p.exception = fse_z except TimeExtrapolationError as fse_t: res = ErrorCode.ErrorTimeExtrapolation p.exception = fse_t except Exception as e: res = ErrorCode.Error p.exception = e # Handle particle time and time loop if res in [StateCode.Success, OperationCode.Delete]: # Update time and repeat p.time += p.dt p.update_next_dt() if analytical: p.dt = np.inf dt_pos = min(abs(p.dt), abs(endtime - p.time)) sign_end_part = np.sign(endtime - p.time) if res != OperationCode.Delete and not np.isclose(dt_pos, 0) and (sign_end_part == sign_dt): res = StateCode.Evaluate if sign_end_part != sign_dt: dt_pos = 0 p.set_state(res) if np.isclose(dt, 0): break else: p.set_state(res) # Try again without time update for var in pset.collection.ptype.variables: if not in ['dt', 'state']: setattr(p,, p_var_back[]) dt_pos = min(abs(p.dt), abs(endtime - p.time)) sign_end_part = np.sign(endtime - p.time) if sign_end_part != sign_dt: dt_pos = 0 break
[docs] def remove_deleted(self, pset, output_file, endtime): """ Utility to remove all particles that signalled deletion. This version is generally applicable to all structures and collections """ # Indices marked for deletion. indices = [i for i, p in enumerate(pset) if p.state == OperationCode.Delete] if len(indices) > 0:"Deleted {} particles.".format(len(indices))) if len(indices) > 0 and output_file is not None: output_file.write(pset, endtime, deleted_only=indices) pset.remove_indices(indices)
[docs] def remove_deleted_soa(self, pset, output_file, endtime): """ Utility to remove all particles that signalled deletion This deletion function is targetted to index-addressable, random-access array-collections. """ # Indices marked for deletion. bool_indices = pset.collection.state == OperationCode.Delete indices = np.where(bool_indices)[0] if len(indices) > 0 and output_file is not None: output_file.write(pset, endtime, deleted_only=bool_indices) pset.remove_indices(indices)
[docs] def execute(self, pset, endtime, dt, recovery=None, output_file=None, execute_once=False): """Execute this Kernel over a ParticleSet for several timesteps""" pset.collection.state[:] = StateCode.Evaluate if abs(dt) < 1e-6 and not execute_once: logger.warning_once("'dt' is too small, causing numerical accuracy limit problems. Please chose a higher 'dt' and rather scale the 'time' axis of the field accordingly. (related issue #762)") if recovery is None: recovery = {} elif ErrorCode.ErrorOutOfBounds in recovery and ErrorCode.ErrorThroughSurface not in recovery: recovery[ErrorCode.ErrorThroughSurface] = recovery[ErrorCode.ErrorOutOfBounds] recovery_map = recovery_base_map.copy() recovery_map.update(recovery) if pset.fieldset is not None: for g in pset.fieldset.gridset.grids: if len(g.load_chunk) > g.chunk_not_loaded: # not the case if a field in not called in the kernel g.load_chunk = np.where(g.load_chunk == g.chunk_loaded_touched, g.chunk_deprecated, g.load_chunk) # Execute the kernel over the particle set if self.ptype.uses_jit: self.execute_jit(pset, endtime, dt) else: self.execute_python(pset, endtime, dt) # Remove all particles that signalled deletion if type(pset).__name__ in ['ParticleSetSOA', ]: self.remove_deleted_soa(pset, output_file=output_file, endtime=endtime) else: self.remove_deleted(pset, output_file=output_file, endtime=endtime) # Generalizable version! # Identify particles that threw errors n_error = pset.num_error_particles # while np.any(error_particles): while n_error > 0: if np.any(['state'] == OperationCode.StopExecution): return repeat_indices =['state'] == OperationCode.Repeat['state'][repeat_indices] = StateCode.Evaluate error_pset = pset.error_particles # Apply recovery kernel for p in error_pset: if p.state == OperationCode.Delete: pass elif p.state in recovery_map: recovery_kernel = recovery_map[p.state] p.set_state(StateCode.Success) recovery_kernel(p, self.fieldset, p.time) if p.state == StateCode.Success: p.set_state(StateCode.Evaluate) else: logger.warning_once('Deleting particle {} because of non-recoverable error'.format( p.delete() # Remove all particles that signalled deletion if type(pset).__name__ in ['ParticleSetSOA', ]: self.remove_deleted_soa(pset, output_file=output_file, endtime=endtime) else: self.remove_deleted(pset, output_file=output_file, endtime=endtime) # Generalizable version! # Execute core loop again to continue interrupted particles if self.ptype.uses_jit: self.execute_jit(pset, endtime, dt) else: self.execute_python(pset, endtime, dt) n_error = pset.num_error_particles
[docs] def merge(self, kernel): funcname = self.funcname + kernel.funcname func_ast = FunctionDef(name=funcname, args=self.py_ast.args, body=self.py_ast.body + kernel.py_ast.body, decorator_list=[], lineno=1, col_offset=0) delete_cfiles = self.delete_cfiles and kernel.delete_cfiles return Kernel(self.fieldset, self.ptype, pyfunc=None, funcname=funcname, funccode=self.funccode + kernel.funccode, py_ast=func_ast, funcvars=self.funcvars + kernel.funcvars, c_include=self.c_include + kernel.c_include, delete_cfiles=delete_cfiles)
def __add__(self, kernel): if not isinstance(kernel, Kernel): kernel = Kernel(self.fieldset, self.ptype, pyfunc=kernel) return self.merge(kernel) def __radd__(self, kernel): if not isinstance(kernel, Kernel): kernel = Kernel(self.fieldset, self.ptype, pyfunc=kernel) return kernel.merge(self)
def cleanup_remove_files(delete_cfiles, src_file, lib_file, log_file): if path.isfile(lib_file) and delete_cfiles: [remove(s) for s in [src_file, lib_file, log_file]] def cleanup_unload_lib(lib): # Clean-up the in-memory dynamic linked libraries. # This is not really necessary, as these programs are not that large, but with the new random # naming scheme which is required on Windows OS'es to deal with updates to a Parcels' kernel. if lib is not None: _ctypes.FreeLibrary(lib._handle) if platform == 'win32' else _ctypes.dlclose(lib._handle)