Source code for parcels.particlefile

"""Module controlling the writing of ParticleSets to NetCDF file"""
import os
import random
import shutil
import string
from glob import glob

import netCDF4
import numpy as np

    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None
    from parcels._version import version as parcels_version
    raise EnvironmentError('Parcels version can not be retrieved. Have you run ''python install''?')
    from os import getuid
    # Windows does not have getuid(), so define to simply return 'tmp'
    def getuid():
        return 'tmp'

__all__ = ['ParticleFile']

def _set_calendar(origin_calendar):
    if origin_calendar == 'np_datetime64':
        return 'standard'
        return origin_calendar

[docs]class ParticleFile(object): """Initialise trajectory output. :param name: Basename of the output file :param particleset: ParticleSet to output :param outputdt: Interval which dictates the update frequency of file output while ParticleFile is given as an argument of ParticleSet.execute() It is either a timedelta object or a positive double. :param write_ondelete: Boolean to write particle data only when they are deleted. Default is False :param convert_at_end: Boolean to convert npy files to netcdf at end of run. Default is True :param tempwritedir: directories to write temporary files to during executing. Default is out-XXXXXX where Xs are random capitals. Files for individual processors are written to subdirectories 0, 1, 2 etc under tempwritedir :param pset_info: dictionary of info on the ParticleSet, stored in tempwritedir/XX/pset_info.npy, used to create NetCDF file from npy-files. """ def __init__(self, name, particleset, outputdt=np.infty, write_ondelete=False, convert_at_end=True, tempwritedir=None, pset_info=None): self.write_ondelete = write_ondelete self.convert_at_end = convert_at_end self.outputdt = outputdt self.lasttime_written = None # variable to check if time has been written already self.dataset = None self.metadata = {} if pset_info is not None: for v in pset_info.keys(): setattr(self, v, pset_info[v]) else: = name self.particleset = particleset self.parcels_mesh = self.particleset.fieldset.gridset.grids[0].mesh self.time_origin = self.particleset.time_origin self.lonlatdepth_dtype = self.particleset.collection.lonlatdepth_dtype self.var_names = [] self.var_names_once = [] for v in self.particleset.collection.ptype.variables: if v.to_write == 'once': self.var_names_once += [] elif v.to_write is True: self.var_names += [] if len(self.var_names_once) > 0: self.written_once = [] self.file_list_once = [] self.file_list = [] self.time_written = [] self.maxid_written = -1 if tempwritedir is None: tempwritedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(str(, "out-%s" % ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(8))) if MPI: mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() self.tempwritedir_base = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(tempwritedir, root=0) else: self.tempwritedir_base = tempwritedir mpi_rank = 0 self.tempwritedir = os.path.join(self.tempwritedir_base, "%d" % mpi_rank) if not os.path.exists(self.tempwritedir): os.makedirs(self.tempwritedir) elif pset_info is None: raise IOError("output directory %s already exists. Please remove first." % self.tempwritedir)
[docs] def open_netcdf_file(self, data_shape): """Initialise NetCDF4.Dataset for trajectory output. The output follows the format outlined in the Discrete Sampling Geometries section of the CF-conventions: The current implementation is based on the NCEI template: :param data_shape: shape of the variables in the NetCDF4 file """ extension = os.path.splitext(str([1] fname = if extension in ['.nc', '.nc4'] else "" % if os.path.exists(str(fname)): os.remove(str(fname)) self.dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, "w", format="NETCDF4") self.dataset.createDimension("obs", data_shape[1]) self.dataset.createDimension("traj", data_shape[0]) coords = ("traj", "obs") self.dataset.feature_type = "trajectory" self.dataset.Conventions = "CF-1.6/CF-1.7" self.dataset.ncei_template_version = "NCEI_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0" self.dataset.parcels_version = parcels_version self.dataset.parcels_mesh = self.parcels_mesh # Create ID variable according to CF conventions = self.dataset.createVariable("trajectory", "i8", coords, fill_value=-2**(63)) # minint64 fill_value = "Unique identifier for each particle" = "trajectory_id" # Create time, lat, lon and z variables according to CF conventions: self.time = self.dataset.createVariable("time", "f8", coords, fill_value=np.nan) self.time.long_name = "" self.time.standard_name = "time" if self.time_origin.calendar is None: self.time.units = "seconds" else: self.time.units = "seconds since " + str(self.time_origin) self.time.calendar = 'standard' if self.time_origin.calendar == 'np_datetime64' else self.time_origin.calendar self.time.axis = "T" if self.lonlatdepth_dtype is np.float64: lonlatdepth_precision = "f8" else: lonlatdepth_precision = "f4" if ('lat' in self.var_names): = self.dataset.createVariable("lat", lonlatdepth_precision, coords, fill_value=np.nan) = "" = "latitude" = "degrees_north" = "Y" if ('lon' in self.var_names): self.lon = self.dataset.createVariable("lon", lonlatdepth_precision, coords, fill_value=np.nan) self.lon.long_name = "" self.lon.standard_name = "longitude" self.lon.units = "degrees_east" self.lon.axis = "X" if ('depth' in self.var_names) or ('z' in self.var_names): self.z = self.dataset.createVariable("z", lonlatdepth_precision, coords, fill_value=np.nan) self.z.long_name = "" self.z.standard_name = "depth" self.z.units = "m" self.z.positive = "down" for vname in self.var_names: if vname not in ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'depth', 'id']: setattr(self, vname, self.dataset.createVariable(vname, "f4", coords, fill_value=np.nan)) getattr(self, vname).long_name = "" getattr(self, vname).standard_name = vname getattr(self, vname).units = "unknown" for vname in self.var_names_once: setattr(self, vname, self.dataset.createVariable(vname, "f4", "traj", fill_value=np.nan)) getattr(self, vname).long_name = "" getattr(self, vname).standard_name = vname getattr(self, vname).units = "unknown" for name, message in self.metadata.items(): setattr(self.dataset, name, message)
def __del__(self): if self.convert_at_end: self.close()
[docs] def close(self, delete_tempfiles=True): """Close the ParticleFile object by exporting and then deleting the temporary npy files""" self.export() mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if MPI else 0 if mpi_rank == 0: if delete_tempfiles: self.delete_tempwritedir(tempwritedir=self.tempwritedir_base) self.convert_at_end = False
[docs] def add_metadata(self, name, message): """Add metadata to :class:`parcels.particleset.ParticleSet` :param name: Name of the metadata variabale :param message: message to be written """ if self.dataset is None: self.metadata[name] = message else: setattr(self.dataset, name, message)
[docs] def dump_dict_to_npy(self, data_dict, data_dict_once): """Buffer data to set of temporary numpy files, using""" if len(data_dict) > 0: tmpfilename = os.path.join(self.tempwritedir, str(len(self.file_list)) + ".npy") with open(tmpfilename, 'wb') as f:, data_dict) self.file_list.append(tmpfilename) if len(data_dict_once) > 0: tmpfilename = os.path.join(self.tempwritedir, str(len(self.file_list)) + '_once.npy') with open(tmpfilename, 'wb') as f:, data_dict_once) self.file_list_once.append(tmpfilename)
def dump_psetinfo_to_npy(self): pset_info = {} attrs_to_dump = ['name', 'var_names', 'var_names_once', 'time_origin', 'lonlatdepth_dtype', 'file_list', 'file_list_once', 'maxid_written', 'time_written', 'parcels_mesh', 'metadata'] for a in attrs_to_dump: if hasattr(self, a): pset_info[a] = getattr(self, a) with open(os.path.join(self.tempwritedir, 'pset_info.npy'), 'wb') as f:, pset_info)
[docs] def write(self, pset, time, deleted_only=False): """Write all data from one time step to a temporary npy-file using a python dictionary. The data is saved in the folder 'out'. :param pset: ParticleSet object to write :param time: Time at which to write ParticleSet :param deleted_only: Flag to write only the deleted Particles """ data_dict, data_dict_once = pset.to_dict(self, time, deleted_only=deleted_only) self.dump_dict_to_npy(data_dict, data_dict_once) self.dump_psetinfo_to_npy()
[docs] def read_from_npy(self, file_list, time_steps, var): """Read NPY-files for one variable using a loop over all files. :param file_list: List that contains all file names in the output directory :param time_steps: Number of time steps that were written in out directory :param var: name of the variable to read """ data = np.nan * np.zeros((self.maxid_written+1, time_steps)) time_index = np.zeros(self.maxid_written+1, dtype=np.int64) t_ind_used = np.zeros(time_steps, dtype=np.int64) # loop over all files for npyfile in file_list: try: data_dict = np.load(npyfile, allow_pickle=True).item() except NameError: raise RuntimeError('Cannot combine npy files into netcdf file because your ParticleFile is ' 'still open on interpreter shutdown.\nYou can use ' '"parcels_convert_npydir_to_netcdf %s" to convert these to ' 'a NetCDF file yourself.\nTo avoid this error, make sure you ' 'close() your ParticleFile at the end of your script.' % self.tempwritedir) id_ind = np.array(data_dict["id"], dtype=np.int64) t_ind = time_index[id_ind] if 'once' not in file_list[0] else 0 t_ind_used[t_ind] = 1 data[id_ind, t_ind] = data_dict[var] time_index[id_ind] = time_index[id_ind] + 1 # remove rows and columns that are completely filled with nan values tmp = data[time_index > 0, :] return tmp[:, t_ind_used == 1]
[docs] def export(self): """Exports outputs in temporary NPY-files to NetCDF file""" if MPI: # The export can only start when all threads are done. MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() > 0: return # export only on threat 0 # Retrieve all temporary writing directories and sort them in numerical order temp_names = sorted(glob(os.path.join("%s" % self.tempwritedir_base, "*")), key=lambda x: int(os.path.basename(x))) if len(temp_names) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No npy files found in %s" % self.tempwritedir_base) global_maxid_written = -1 global_time_written = [] global_file_list = [] if len(self.var_names_once) > 0: global_file_list_once = [] for tempwritedir in temp_names: if os.path.exists(tempwritedir): pset_info_local = np.load(os.path.join(tempwritedir, 'pset_info.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() global_maxid_written = np.max([global_maxid_written, pset_info_local['maxid_written']]) global_time_written += pset_info_local['time_written'] global_file_list += pset_info_local['file_list'] if len(self.var_names_once) > 0: global_file_list_once += pset_info_local['file_list_once'] self.maxid_written = global_maxid_written self.time_written = np.unique(global_time_written) for var in self.var_names: data = self.read_from_npy(global_file_list, len(self.time_written), var) if var == self.var_names[0]: self.open_netcdf_file(data.shape) varout = 'z' if var == 'depth' else var getattr(self, varout)[:, :] = data if len(self.var_names_once) > 0: for var in self.var_names_once: getattr(self, var)[:] = self.read_from_npy(global_file_list_once, 1, var) self.dataset.close()
[docs] def delete_tempwritedir(self, tempwritedir=None): """Deleted all temporary npy files :param tempwritedir Optional path of the directory to delete """ if tempwritedir is None: tempwritedir = self.tempwritedir if os.path.exists(tempwritedir): shutil.rmtree(tempwritedir)