Source code for parcels.particlesets.particlesetsoa

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta as delta

import sys
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from parcels.grid import GridCode
from parcels.grid import CurvilinearGrid
from parcels.kernel import Kernel
from parcels.particle import JITParticle
from parcels.particlefile import ParticleFile
from import StateCode
from .baseparticleset import BaseParticleSet
from .collectionsoa import ParticleCollectionSOA
from .collectionsoa import ParticleCollectionIteratorSOA
from import _get_cftime_calendars
from import logger
    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None
# == comment CK: prevents us from adding KDTree as 'mandatory' dependency == #
    from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree
    KDTree = None

__all__ = ['ParticleSet', 'ParticleSetSOA']

def _convert_to_array(var):
    """Convert lists and single integers/floats to one-dimensional numpy
    if isinstance(var, np.ndarray):
        return var.flatten()
    elif isinstance(var, (int, float, np.float32, np.int32)):
        return np.array([var])
        return np.array(var)

def _convert_to_reltime(time):
    """Check to determine if the value of the time parameter needs to be
    converted to a relative value (relative to the time_origin).
    if isinstance(time, np.datetime64) or (hasattr(time, 'calendar') and time.calendar in _get_cftime_calendars()):
        return True
    return False

[docs]class ParticleSetSOA(BaseParticleSet): """Container class for storing particle and executing kernel over them. Please note that this currently only supports fixed size particle sets. :param fieldset: :mod:`parcels.fieldset.FieldSet` object from which to sample velocity. While fieldset=None is supported, this will throw a warning as it breaks most Parcels functionality :param pclass: Optional :mod:`parcels.particle.JITParticle` or :mod:`parcels.particle.ScipyParticle` object that defines custom particle :param lon: List of initial longitude values for particles :param lat: List of initial latitude values for particles :param depth: Optional list of initial depth values for particles. Default is 0m :param time: Optional list of initial time values for particles. Default is fieldset.U.grid.time[0] :param repeatdt: Optional interval (in seconds) on which to repeat the release of the ParticleSet :param lonlatdepth_dtype: Floating precision for lon, lat, depth particle coordinates. It is either np.float32 or np.float64. Default is np.float32 if fieldset.U.interp_method is 'linear' and np.float64 if the interpolation method is 'cgrid_velocity' :param pid_orig: Optional list of (offsets for) the particle IDs :param partitions: List of cores on which to distribute the particles for MPI runs. Default: None, in which case particles are distributed automatically on the processors Other Variables can be initialised using further arguments (e.g. v=... for a Variable named 'v') """ def __init__(self, fieldset=None, pclass=JITParticle, lon=None, lat=None, depth=None, time=None, repeatdt=None, lonlatdepth_dtype=None, pid_orig=None, **kwargs): super(ParticleSetSOA, self).__init__() self.fieldset = fieldset if self.fieldset is None: logger.warning_once("No FieldSet provided in ParticleSet generation. " "This breaks most Parcels functionality") else: self.fieldset.check_complete() partitions = kwargs.pop('partitions', None) lon = np.empty(shape=0) if lon is None else _convert_to_array(lon) lat = np.empty(shape=0) if lat is None else _convert_to_array(lat) if isinstance(pid_orig, (type(None), type(False))): pid_orig = np.arange(lon.size) if depth is None: mindepth = self.fieldset.gridset.dimrange('depth')[0] if self.fieldset is not None else 0 depth = np.ones(lon.size) * mindepth else: depth = _convert_to_array(depth) assert lon.size == lat.size and lon.size == depth.size, ( 'lon, lat, depth don''t all have the same lenghts') time = _convert_to_array(time) time = np.repeat(time, lon.size) if time.size == 1 else time if time.size > 0 and type(time[0]) in [datetime, date]: time = np.array([np.datetime64(t) for t in time]) self.time_origin = fieldset.time_origin if self.fieldset is not None else 0 if time.size > 0 and isinstance(time[0], np.timedelta64) and not self.time_origin: raise NotImplementedError('If fieldset.time_origin is not a date, time of a particle must be a double') time = np.array([self.time_origin.reltime(t) if _convert_to_reltime(t) else t for t in time]) assert lon.size == time.size, ( 'time and positions (lon, lat, depth) don''t have the same lengths.') if lonlatdepth_dtype is None: if fieldset is not None: lonlatdepth_dtype = self.lonlatdepth_dtype_from_field_interp_method(fieldset.U) else: lonlatdepth_dtype = np.float32 assert lonlatdepth_dtype in [np.float32, np.float64], \ 'lon lat depth precision should be set to either np.float32 or np.float64' for kwvar in kwargs: kwargs[kwvar] = _convert_to_array(kwargs[kwvar]) assert lon.size == kwargs[kwvar].size, ( '%s and positions (lon, lat, depth) don''t have the same lengths.' % kwvar) self.repeatdt = repeatdt.total_seconds() if isinstance(repeatdt, delta) else repeatdt if self.repeatdt: if self.repeatdt <= 0: raise('Repeatdt should be > 0') if time[0] and not np.allclose(time, time[0]): raise ('All Particle.time should be the same when repeatdt is not None') self.repeatpclass = pclass self.repeatkwargs = kwargs ngrids = fieldset.gridset.size if fieldset is not None else 1 self._collection = ParticleCollectionSOA(pclass, lon=lon, lat=lat, depth=depth, time=time, lonlatdepth_dtype=lonlatdepth_dtype, pid_orig=pid_orig, partitions=partitions, ngrid=ngrids, **kwargs) if self.repeatdt: if len(time) > 0 and time[0] is None: self.repeat_starttime = time[0] else: if['time'][0] and not np.allclose(['time'],['time'][0]): raise ValueError('All Particle.time should be the same when repeatdt is not None') self.repeat_starttime =['time'][0] self.repeatlon =['lon'] self.repeatlat =['lat'] self.repeatdepth =['depth'] for kwvar in kwargs: self.repeatkwargs[kwvar] =[kwvar] if self.repeatdt: if MPI and self._collection.pu_indicators is not None: mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank() self.repeatpid = pid_orig[self._collection.pu_indicators == mpi_rank] self.kernel = None def _set_particle_vector(self, name, value): """Set attributes of all particles to new values. :param name: Name of the attribute (str). :param value: New value to set the attribute of the particles to. """ self.collection._data[name][:] = value def _impute_release_times(self, default): """Set attribute 'time' to default if encountering NaN values. :param default: Default release time. :return: Minimum and maximum release times. """ if np.any(np.isnan(['time'])):['time'][np.isnan(['time'])] = default return np.min(['time']), np.max(['time'])
[docs] def data_indices(self, variable_name, compare_values, invert=False): """Get the indices of all particles where the value of `variable_name` equals (one of) `compare_values`. :param variable_name: Name of the variable to check. :param compare_values: Value or list of values to compare to. :param invert: Whether to invert the selection. I.e., when True, return all indices that do not equal (one of) `compare_values`. :return: Numpy array of indices that satisfy the test. """ compare_values = np.array([compare_values, ]) if type(compare_values) not in [list, dict, np.ndarray] else compare_values return np.where(np.isin([variable_name], compare_values, invert=invert))[0]
def indexed_subset(self, indices): return ParticleCollectionIteratorSOA(self._collection, subset=indices)
[docs] def populate_indices(self): """Pre-populate guesses of particle xi/yi indices using a kdtree. This is only intended for curvilinear grids, where the initial index search may be quite expensive. """ if self.fieldset is None: # we need to be attached to a fieldset to have a valid # gridset to search for indices return if KDTree is None: return else: for i, grid in enumerate(self.fieldset.gridset.grids): if not isinstance(grid, CurvilinearGrid): continue tree_data = np.stack((grid.lon.flat,, axis=-1) tree = KDTree(tree_data) # stack all the particle positions for a single query pts = np.stack((['lon'],['lat']), axis=-1) # query datatype needs to match tree datatype _, idx = tree.query(pts.astype(tree_data.dtype)) yi, xi = np.unravel_index(idx, grid.lon.shape)['xi'][:, i] = np.minimum(xi, grid.xdim - 2)['yi'][:, i] = np.minimum(yi, grid.ydim - 2)
@property def error_particles(self): """Get an iterator over all particles that are in an error state. :return: Collection iterator over error particles. """ error_indices = self.data_indices('state', [StateCode.Success, StateCode.Evaluate], invert=True) return ParticleCollectionIteratorSOA(self._collection, subset=error_indices) @property def num_error_particles(self): """Get the number of particles that are in an error state. :return: The number of error particles. """ return np.sum(np.isin(['state'], [StateCode.Success, StateCode.Evaluate], invert=True)) def __getitem__(self, index): """Get a single particle by index""" return self._collection.get_single_by_index(index)
[docs] def cstruct(self): """ 'cstruct' returns the ctypes mapping of the combined collections cstruct and the fieldset cstruct. This depends on the specific structure in question. """ cstruct = self._collection.cstruct() return cstruct
@property def ctypes_struct(self): return self.cstruct()
[docs] @classmethod def monte_carlo_sample(cls, start_field, size, mode='monte_carlo'): """ Converts a starting field into a monte-carlo sample of lons and lats. :param start_field: :mod:`parcels.fieldset.Field` object for initialising particles stochastically (horizontally) according to the presented density field. returns list(lon), list(lat) """ if mode == 'monte_carlo': data = if isinstance(, np.ndarray) else np.array( if start_field.interp_method == 'cgrid_tracer': p_interior = np.squeeze(data[0, 1:, 1:]) else: # if A-grid d = data p_interior = (d[0, :-1, :-1] + d[0, 1:, :-1] + d[0, :-1, 1:] + d[0, 1:, 1:])/4. p_interior = np.where(d[0, :-1, :-1] == 0, 0, p_interior) p_interior = np.where(d[0, 1:, :-1] == 0, 0, p_interior) p_interior = np.where(d[0, 1:, 1:] == 0, 0, p_interior) p_interior = np.where(d[0, :-1, 1:] == 0, 0, p_interior) p = np.reshape(p_interior, (1, p_interior.size)) inds = np.random.choice(p_interior.size, size, replace=True, p=p[0] / np.sum(p)) xsi = np.random.uniform(size=len(inds)) eta = np.random.uniform(size=len(inds)) j, i = np.unravel_index(inds, p_interior.shape) grid = start_field.grid lon, lat = ([], []) if grid.gtype in [GridCode.RectilinearZGrid, GridCode.RectilinearSGrid]: lon = grid.lon[i] + xsi * (grid.lon[i + 1] - grid.lon[i]) lat =[j] + eta * ([j + 1] -[j]) else: lons = np.array([grid.lon[j, i], grid.lon[j, i+1], grid.lon[j+1, i+1], grid.lon[j+1, i]]) if grid.mesh == 'spherical': lons[1:] = np.where(lons[1:] - lons[0] > 180, lons[1:]-360, lons[1:]) lons[1:] = np.where(-lons[1:] + lons[0] > 180, lons[1:]+360, lons[1:]) lon = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) * lons[0] +\ xsi*(1-eta) * lons[1] +\ xsi*eta * lons[2] +\ (1-xsi)*eta * lons[3] lat = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) *[j, i] +\ xsi*(1-eta) *[j, i+1] +\ xsi*eta *[j+1, i+1] +\ (1-xsi)*eta *[j+1, i] return list(lon), list(lat) else: raise NotImplementedError('Mode %s not implemented. Please use "monte carlo" algorithm instead.' % mode)
[docs] @classmethod def from_field(cls, fieldset, pclass, start_field, size, mode='monte_carlo', depth=None, time=None, repeatdt=None, lonlatdepth_dtype=None): """Initialise the ParticleSet randomly drawn according to distribution from a field :param fieldset: :mod:`parcels.fieldset.FieldSet` object from which to sample velocity :param pclass: mod:`parcels.particle.JITParticle` or :mod:`parcels.particle.ScipyParticle` object that defines custom particle :param start_field: Field for initialising particles stochastically (horizontally) according to the presented density field. :param size: Initial size of particle set :param mode: Type of random sampling. Currently only 'monte_carlo' is implemented :param depth: Optional list of initial depth values for particles. Default is 0m :param time: Optional start time value for particles. Default is fieldset.U.time[0] :param repeatdt: Optional interval (in seconds) on which to repeat the release of the ParticleSet :param lonlatdepth_dtype: Floating precision for lon, lat, depth particle coordinates. It is either np.float32 or np.float64. Default is np.float32 if fieldset.U.interp_method is 'linear' and np.float64 if the interpolation method is 'cgrid_velocity' """ lon, lat = cls.monte_carlo_sample(start_field, size, mode) return cls(fieldset=fieldset, pclass=pclass, lon=lon, lat=lat, depth=depth, time=time, lonlatdepth_dtype=lonlatdepth_dtype, repeatdt=repeatdt)
[docs] @classmethod def from_particlefile(cls, fieldset, pclass, filename, restart=True, restarttime=None, repeatdt=None, lonlatdepth_dtype=None, **kwargs): """Initialise the ParticleSet from a netcdf ParticleFile. This creates a new ParticleSet based on locations of all particles written in a netcdf ParticleFile at a certain time. Particle IDs are preserved if restart=True :param fieldset: :mod:`parcels.fieldset.FieldSet` object from which to sample velocity :param pclass: mod:`parcels.particle.JITParticle` or :mod:`parcels.particle.ScipyParticle` object that defines custom particle :param filename: Name of the particlefile from which to read initial conditions :param restart: Boolean to signal if pset is used for a restart (default is True). In that case, Particle IDs are preserved. :param restarttime: time at which the Particles will be restarted. Default is the last time written. Alternatively, restarttime could be a time value (including np.datetime64) or a callable function such as np.nanmin. The last is useful when running with dt < 0. :param repeatdt: Optional interval (in seconds) on which to repeat the release of the ParticleSet :param lonlatdepth_dtype: Floating precision for lon, lat, depth particle coordinates. It is either np.float32 or np.float64. Default is np.float32 if fieldset.U.interp_method is 'linear' and np.float64 if the interpolation method is 'cgrid_velocity' """ if repeatdt is not None: logger.warning('Note that the `repeatdt` argument is not retained from %s, and that ' 'setting a new repeatdt will start particles from the _new_ particle ' 'locations.' % filename) pfile = xr.open_dataset(str(filename), decode_cf=True) pfile_vars = [v for v in pfile.data_vars] vars = {} to_write = {} for v in pclass.getPType().variables: if in pfile_vars: vars[] =[], np.nan) elif not in ['xi', 'yi', 'zi', 'ti', 'dt', '_next_dt', 'depth', 'id', 'fileid', 'state'] \ and v.to_write: raise RuntimeError('Variable %s is in pclass but not in the particlefile' % to_write[] = v.to_write vars['depth'] =['z'], np.nan) vars['id'] =['trajectory'], np.nan) if isinstance(vars['time'][0, 0], np.timedelta64): vars['time'] = np.array([t/np.timedelta64(1, 's') for t in vars['time']]) if restarttime is None: restarttime = np.nanmax(vars['time']) elif callable(restarttime): restarttime = restarttime(vars['time']) else: restarttime = restarttime inds = np.where(vars['time'] == restarttime) for v in vars: if to_write[v] is True: vars[v] = vars[v][inds] elif to_write[v] == 'once': vars[v] = vars[v][inds[0]] if v not in ['lon', 'lat', 'depth', 'time', 'id']: kwargs[v] = vars[v] if restart: pclass.setLastID(0) # reset to zero offset else: vars['id'] = None return cls(fieldset=fieldset, pclass=pclass, lon=vars['lon'], lat=vars['lat'], depth=vars['depth'], time=vars['time'], pid_orig=vars['id'], lonlatdepth_dtype=lonlatdepth_dtype, repeatdt=repeatdt, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self, pfile, time, deleted_only=False): """ Convert all Particle data from one time step to a python dictionary. :param pfile: ParticleFile object requesting the conversion :param time: Time at which to write ParticleSet :param deleted_only: Flag to write only the deleted Particles returns two dictionaries: one for all variables to be written each outputdt, and one for all variables to be written once """ return self._collection.toDictionary(pfile=pfile, time=time, deleted_only=deleted_only)
@property def size(self): # ==== to change at some point - len and size are different things ==== # return len(self._collection) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join([str(p) for p in self]) def __len__(self): return len(self._collection) def __sizeof__(self): return sys.getsizeof(self._collection) def __iadd__(self, particles): """Add particles to the ParticleSet. Note that this is an incremental add, the particles will be added to the ParticleSet on which this function is called. :param particles: Another ParticleSet containing particles to add to this one. :return: The current ParticleSet """ self.add(particles) return self
[docs] def add(self, particles): """Add particles to the ParticleSet. Note that this is an incremental add, the particles will be added to the ParticleSet on which this function is called. :param particles: Another ParticleSet containing particles to add to this one. :return: The current ParticleSet """ if isinstance(particles, BaseParticleSet): particles = particles.collection self._collection += particles return self
[docs] def remove_indices(self, indices): """Method to remove particles from the ParticleSet, based on their `indices`""" if type(indices) in [int, np.int32, np.intp]: self._collection.remove_single_by_index(indices) else: self._collection.remove_multi_by_indices(indices)
[docs] def remove_booleanvector(self, indices): """Method to remove particles from the ParticleSet, based on an array of booleans""" self.remove_indices(np.where(indices)[0])
[docs] def show(self, with_particles=True, show_time=None, field=None, domain=None, projection=None, land=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, savefile=None, animation=False, **kwargs): """Method to 'show' a Parcels ParticleSet :param with_particles: Boolean whether to show particles :param show_time: Time at which to show the ParticleSet :param field: Field to plot under particles (either None, a Field object, or 'vector') :param domain: dictionary (with keys 'N', 'S', 'E', 'W') defining domain to show :param projection: type of cartopy projection to use (default PlateCarree) :param land: Boolean whether to show land. This is ignored for flat meshes :param vmin: minimum colour scale (only in single-plot mode) :param vmax: maximum colour scale (only in single-plot mode) :param savefile: Name of a file to save the plot to :param animation: Boolean whether result is a single plot, or an animation """ from parcels.plotting import plotparticles plotparticles(particles=self, with_particles=with_particles, show_time=show_time, field=field, domain=domain, projection=projection, land=land, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, savefile=savefile, animation=animation, **kwargs)
[docs] def density(self, field_name=None, particle_val=None, relative=False, area_scale=False): """Method to calculate the density of particles in a ParticleSet from their locations, through a 2D histogram. :param field: Optional :mod:`parcels.field.Field` object to calculate the histogram on. Default is `fieldset.U` :param particle_val: Optional numpy-array of values to weigh each particle with, or string name of particle variable to use weigh particles with. Default is None, resulting in a value of 1 for each particle :param relative: Boolean to control whether the density is scaled by the total weight of all particles. Default is False :param area_scale: Boolean to control whether the density is scaled by the area (in m^2) of each grid cell. Default is False """ field_name = field_name if field_name else "U" field = getattr(self.fieldset, field_name) f_str = """ def search_kernel(particle, fieldset, time): x = fieldset.{}[time, particle.depth,, particle.lon] """.format(field_name) k = Kernel( self.fieldset, self._collection.ptype, funcname="search_kernel", funcvars=["particle", "fieldset", "time", "x"], funccode=f_str, ) self.execute(pyfunc=k, runtime=0) if isinstance(particle_val, str): particle_val = self._collection._data[particle_val] else: particle_val = particle_val if particle_val else np.ones(self.size) density = np.zeros((, field.grid.lon.size), dtype=np.float32) for i, p in enumerate(self): try: # breaks if either p.xi, p.yi, p.zi, p.ti do not exist (in scipy) or field not in fieldset if p.ti[field.igrid] < 0: # xi, yi, zi, ti, not initialised raise('error') xi = p.xi[field.igrid] yi = p.yi[field.igrid] except: _, _, _, xi, yi, _ = field.search_indices(p.lon,, p.depth, 0, 0, search2D=True) density[yi, xi] += particle_val[i] if relative: density /= np.sum(particle_val) if area_scale: density /= field.cell_areas() return density
[docs] def Kernel(self, pyfunc, c_include="", delete_cfiles=True): """Wrapper method to convert a `pyfunc` into a :class:`parcels.kernel.Kernel` object based on `fieldset` and `ptype` of the ParticleSet :param delete_cfiles: Boolean whether to delete the C-files after compilation in JIT mode (default is True) """ return Kernel(self.fieldset, self.collection.ptype, pyfunc=pyfunc, c_include=c_include, delete_cfiles=delete_cfiles)
[docs] def ParticleFile(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper method to initialise a :class:`parcels.particlefile.ParticleFile` object from the ParticleSet""" return ParticleFile(*args, particleset=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_variable_write_status(self, var, write_status): """ Method to set the write status of a Variable :param var: Name of the variable (string) :param write_status: Write status of the variable (True, False or 'once') """ self._collection.set_variable_write_status(var, write_status)
# ParticleSet is an alias for ParticleSetSOA, i.e. the default # implementation for storing particles is the Structure of Arrays # approach. ParticleSet = ParticleSetSOA