Source code for parcels.rng

import uuid
import _ctypes
from ctypes import c_float
from ctypes import c_int
from os import path
from os import remove
from sys import platform

import numpy.ctypeslib as npct

from import get_cache_dir, get_package_dir
from parcels.compilation.codecompiler import GNUCompiler
from import logger

__all__ = ['seed', 'random', 'uniform', 'randint', 'normalvariate', 'expovariate', 'vonmisesvariate']

class RandomC(object):
    stmt_import = """#include "parcels.h"\n\n"""
    fnct_seed = """
extern void pcls_seed(int seed){
    fnct_random = """
extern float pcls_random(){
  return parcels_random();
    fnct_uniform = """
extern float pcls_uniform(float low, float high){
  return parcels_uniform(low, high);
    fnct_randint = """
extern int pcls_randint(int low, int high){
  return parcels_randint(low, high);
    fnct_normalvariate = """
extern float pcls_normalvariate(float loc, float scale){
  return parcels_normalvariate(loc, scale);
    fnct_expovariate = """
extern float pcls_expovariate(float lamb){
  return parcels_expovariate(lamb);
    fnct_vonmisesvariate = """
extern float pcls_vonmisesvariate(float mu, float kappa){
  return parcels_vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa);
    _lib = None
    ccode = None
    src_file = None
    lib_file = None
    log_file = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._lib = None
        self.ccode = ""
        self.ccode += self.stmt_import
        self.ccode += self.fnct_seed
        self.ccode += self.fnct_random
        self.ccode += self.fnct_uniform
        self.ccode += self.fnct_randint
        self.ccode += self.fnct_normalvariate
        self.ccode += self.fnct_expovariate
        self.ccode += self.fnct_vonmisesvariate
        self._loaded = False

    def __del__(self):

    def unload_lib(self):
        # Unload the currently loaded dynamic linked library to be secure
        if self._lib is not None and self._loaded and _ctypes is not None:
            _ctypes.FreeLibrary(self._lib._handle) if platform == 'win32' else _ctypes.dlclose(self._lib._handle)
            del self._lib
            self._lib = None
            self._loaded = False

    def load_lib(self):
        self._lib = npct.load_library(self.lib_file, '.')
        self._loaded = True

    def remove_lib(self):
        # If file already exists, pull new names. This is necessary on a Windows machine, because
        # Python's ctype does not deal in any sort of manner well with dynamic linked libraries on this OS.
        if self._lib is not None and self._loaded and _ctypes is not None and path.isfile(self.lib_file):
            [remove(s) for s in [self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file]]

    def compile(self, compiler=None):
        if self.src_file is None or self.lib_file is None or self.log_file is None:
            basename = 'parcels_random_%s' % uuid.uuid4()
            lib_filename = "lib" + basename
            basepath = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s" % basename)
            libpath = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s" % lib_filename)
            self.src_file = "%s.c" % basepath
            self.lib_file = "" % libpath
            self.log_file = "%s.log" % basepath
        ccompiler = compiler
        if ccompiler is None:
            cppargs = []
            incdirs = [path.join(get_package_dir(), 'include'), ]
            ccompiler = GNUCompiler(cppargs=cppargs, incdirs=incdirs)
        if self._lib is None:
            with open(self.src_file, 'w+') as f:
            ccompiler.compile(self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file)
  "Compiled %s ==> %s" % ("ParcelsRandom", self.lib_file))

    def lib(self):
        if self.src_file is None or self.lib_file is None or self.log_file is None:
        if self._lib is None or not self._loaded:
            # self._lib = npct.load_library(self.lib_file, '.')
        return self._lib

_parcels_random_ccodeconverter = RandomC()

[docs]def seed(seed): """Sets the seed for parcels internal RNG""" _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_seed(c_int(seed))
[docs]def random(): """Returns a random float between 0. and 1.""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_random rnd.argtype = [] rnd.restype = c_float return rnd()
[docs]def uniform(low, high): """Returns a random float between `low` and `high`""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_uniform rnd.argtype = [c_float, c_float] rnd.restype = c_float return rnd(c_float(low), c_float(high))
[docs]def randint(low, high): """Returns a random int between `low` and `high`""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_randint rnd.argtype = [c_int, c_int] rnd.restype = c_int return rnd(c_int(low), c_int(high))
[docs]def normalvariate(loc, scale): """Returns a random float on normal distribution with mean `loc` and width `scale`""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_normalvariate rnd.argtype = [c_float, c_float] rnd.restype = c_float return rnd(c_float(loc), c_float(scale))
[docs]def expovariate(lamb): """Returns a randome float of an exponential distribution with parameter lamb""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_expovariate rnd.argtype = c_float rnd.restype = c_float return rnd(c_float(lamb))
[docs]def vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa): """Returns a randome float of a Von Mises distribution with mean angle mu and concentration parameter kappa""" rnd = _parcels_random_ccodeconverter.lib.pcls_vonmisesvariate rnd.argtype = [c_float, c_float] rnd.restype = c_float return rnd(c_float(mu), c_float(kappa))