Source code for

# flake8: noqa: E999
import inspect
from datetime import timedelta as delta
from math import cos
from math import pi
import xarray as xr

import cftime
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['UnitConverter', 'Geographic', 'GeographicPolar', 'GeographicSquare',
           'GeographicPolarSquare', 'unitconverters_map', 'TimeConverter',

def _get_cftime_datetimes():
    # Is there a more elegant way to parse these from cftime?
    cftime_calendars = tuple(x[1].__name__ for x in inspect.getmembers(cftime._cftime, inspect.isclass))
    cftime_datetime_names = [ca for ca in cftime_calendars if 'Datetime' in ca]
    return cftime_datetime_names

def _get_cftime_calendars():
    return [getattr(cftime, cf_datetime)(1990, 1, 1).calendar for cf_datetime in _get_cftime_datetimes()]

[docs]class TimeConverter(object): """ Converter class for dates with different calendars in FieldSets :param: time_origin: time origin of the class. Currently supported formats are float, integer, numpy.datetime64, and netcdftime.DatetimeNoLeap """ def __init__(self, time_origin=0): self.time_origin = 0 if time_origin is None else time_origin if isinstance(time_origin, np.datetime64): self.calendar = "np_datetime64" elif isinstance(time_origin, np.timedelta64): self.calendar = "np_timedelta64" elif isinstance(time_origin, cftime._cftime.datetime): self.calendar = time_origin.calendar else: self.calendar = None
[docs] def reltime(self, time): """Method to compute the difference, in seconds, between a time and the time_origin of the TimeConverter :param: time: input time :return: time - self.time_origin """ time = time.time_origin if isinstance(time, TimeConverter) else time if self.calendar in ['np_datetime64', 'np_timedelta64']: return (time - self.time_origin) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') elif self.calendar in _get_cftime_calendars(): if isinstance(time, (list, np.ndarray)): try: return np.array([(t - self.time_origin).total_seconds() for t in time]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Cannot subtract 'time' (a %s object) from a %s calendar.\n" "Provide 'time' as a %s object?" % (type(time), self.calendar, type(self.time_origin))) else: try: return (time - self.time_origin).total_seconds() except ValueError: raise ValueError("Cannot subtract 'time' (a %s object) from a %s calendar.\n" "Provide 'time' as a %s object?" % (type(time), self.calendar, type(self.time_origin))) elif self.calendar is None: return time - self.time_origin else: raise RuntimeError('Calendar %s not implemented in TimeConverter' % (self.calendar))
[docs] def fulltime(self, time): """Method to convert a time difference in seconds to a date, based on the time_origin :param: time: input time :return: self.time_origin + time """ time = time.time_origin if isinstance(time, TimeConverter) else time if self.calendar in ['np_datetime64', 'np_timedelta64']: if isinstance(time, (list, np.ndarray)): return [self.time_origin + np.timedelta64(int(t), 's') for t in time] else: return self.time_origin + np.timedelta64(int(time), 's') elif self.calendar in _get_cftime_calendars(): return self.time_origin + delta(seconds=time) elif self.calendar is None: return self.time_origin + time else: raise RuntimeError('Calendar %s not implemented in TimeConverter' % (self.calendar))
def __repr__(self): return "%s" % self.time_origin def __eq__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin == other def __ne__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin != other def __gt__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin > other def __lt__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin < other def __ge__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin >= other def __le__(self, other): other = other.time_origin if isinstance(other, TimeConverter) else other return self.time_origin <= other
[docs]class UnitConverter(object): """ Interface class for spatial unit conversion during field sampling that performs no conversion. """ source_unit = None target_unit = None def to_target(self, value, x, y, z): return value def ccode_to_target(self, x, y, z): return "1.0" def to_source(self, value, x, y, z): return value def ccode_to_source(self, x, y, z): return "1.0"
[docs]class Geographic(UnitConverter): """ Unit converter from geometric to geographic coordinates (m to degree) """ source_unit = 'm' target_unit = 'degree' def to_target(self, value, x, y, z): return value / 1000. / 1.852 / 60. def to_source(self, value, x, y, z): return value * 1000. * 1.852 * 60. def ccode_to_target(self, x, y, z): return "(1.0 / (1000.0 * 1.852 * 60.0))" def ccode_to_source(self, x, y, z): return "(1000.0 * 1.852 * 60.0)"
[docs]class GeographicPolar(UnitConverter): """ Unit converter from geometric to geographic coordinates (m to degree) with a correction to account for narrower grid cells closer to the poles. """ source_unit = 'm' target_unit = 'degree' def to_target(self, value, x, y, z): return value / 1000. / 1.852 / 60. / cos(y * pi / 180) def to_source(self, value, x, y, z): return value * 1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(y * pi / 180) def ccode_to_target(self, x, y, z): return "(1.0 / (1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(%s * M_PI / 180)))" % y def ccode_to_source(self, x, y, z): return "(1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(%s * M_PI / 180))" % y
[docs]class GeographicSquare(UnitConverter): """ Square distance converter from geometric to geographic coordinates (m2 to degree2) """ source_unit = 'm2' target_unit = 'degree2' def to_target(self, value, x, y, z): return value / pow(1000. * 1.852 * 60., 2) def to_source(self, value, x, y, z): return value * pow(1000. * 1.852 * 60., 2) def ccode_to_target(self, x, y, z): return "pow(1.0 / (1000.0 * 1.852 * 60.0), 2)" def ccode_to_source(self, x, y, z): return "pow((1000.0 * 1.852 * 60.0), 2)"
[docs]class GeographicPolarSquare(UnitConverter): """ Square distance converter from geometric to geographic coordinates (m2 to degree2) with a correction to account for narrower grid cells closer to the poles. """ source_unit = 'm2' target_unit = 'degree2' def to_target(self, value, x, y, z): return value / pow(1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(y * pi / 180), 2) def to_source(self, value, x, y, z): return value * pow(1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(y * pi / 180), 2) def ccode_to_target(self, x, y, z): return "pow(1.0 / (1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(%s * M_PI / 180)), 2)" % y def ccode_to_source(self, x, y, z): return "pow((1000. * 1.852 * 60. * cos(%s * M_PI / 180)), 2)" % y
unitconverters_map = {'U': GeographicPolar(), 'V': Geographic(), 'Kh_zonal': GeographicPolarSquare(), 'Kh_meridional': GeographicSquare()}
[docs]def convert_xarray_time_units(ds, time): """ Fixes DataArrays that have time.Unit instead of expected time.units """ da = ds[time] if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset) else ds if 'units' not in da.attrs and 'Unit' in da.attrs: da.attrs['units'] = da.attrs['Unit'] da2 = xr.Dataset({time: da}) try: da2 = xr.decode_cf(da2) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError('Xarray could not convert the calendar. If you''re using from_netcdf, ' 'try using the timestamps keyword in the construction of your Field. ' 'See also the tutorial at' 'parcels/blob/master/parcels/examples/tutorial_timestamps.ipynb') ds[time] = da2[time]