Source code for scripts.plottrajectoriesfile

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os import environ

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from parcels import Field
from parcels.plotting import cartopy_colorbar
from parcels.plotting import create_parcelsfig_axis
from parcels.plotting import plotfield
    import matplotlib.animation as animation
    from matplotlib import rc
    anim = None

[docs]def plotTrajectoriesFile(filename, mode='2d', tracerfile=None, tracerfield='P', tracerlon='x', tracerlat='y', recordedvar=None, movie_forward=True, bins=20, show_plt=True, central_longitude=0): """Quick and simple plotting of Parcels trajectories :param filename: Name of Parcels-generated NetCDF file with particle positions :param mode: Type of plot to show. Supported are '2d', '3d', 'hist2d', 'movie2d' and 'movie2d_notebook'. The latter two give animations, with 'movie2d_notebook' specifically designed for jupyter notebooks :param tracerfile: Name of NetCDF file to show as background :param tracerfield: Name of variable to show as background :param tracerlon: Name of longitude dimension of variable to show as background :param tracerlat: Name of latitude dimension of variable to show as background :param recordedvar: Name of variable used to color particles in scatter-plot. Only works in 'movie2d' or 'movie2d_notebook' mode. :param movie_forward: Boolean whether to show movie in forward or backward mode (default True) :param bins: Number of bins to use in `hist2d` mode. See also :param show_plt: Boolean whether plot should directly be show (for py.test) :param central_longitude: Degrees East at which to center the plot """ environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE" try: pfile = xr.open_dataset(str(filename), decode_cf=True) except: pfile = xr.open_dataset(str(filename), decode_cf=False) lon =['lon'], np.nan) lat =['lat'], np.nan) time =['time'], np.nan) z =['z'], np.nan) mesh = pfile.attrs['parcels_mesh'] if 'parcels_mesh' in pfile.attrs else 'spherical' if(recordedvar is not None): record =[recordedvar], np.nan) pfile.close() if tracerfile is not None and mode != 'hist2d': tracerfld = Field.from_netcdf(tracerfile, tracerfield, {'lon': tracerlon, 'lat': tracerlat}) plt, fig, ax, cartopy = plotfield(tracerfld) if plt is None: return # creating axes was not possible titlestr = ' and ' + tracerfield else: spherical = False if mode == '3d' or mesh == 'flat' else True plt, fig, ax, cartopy = create_parcelsfig_axis(spherical=spherical, central_longitude=central_longitude) if plt is None: return # creating axes was not possible titlestr = '' if cartopy: for p in range(lon.shape[1]): lon[:, p] = [ln if ln < 180 else ln - 360 for ln in lon[:, p]] if mode == '3d': from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa plt.clf() # clear the figure ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') for p in range(len(lon)): ax.plot(lon[p, :], lat[p, :], z[p, :], '.-') ax.set_xlabel('Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax.set_zlabel('Depth') ax.set_title('Particle trajectories') elif mode == '2d': if cartopy: ax.plot(np.transpose(lon), np.transpose(lat), '.-', else: ax.plot(np.transpose(lon), np.transpose(lat), '.-') ax.set_title('Particle trajectories' + titlestr) elif mode == 'hist2d': _, _, _, cs = plt.hist2d(lon[~np.isnan(lon)], lat[~np.isnan(lat)], bins=bins) cartopy_colorbar(cs, plt, fig, ax) ax.set_title('Particle histogram') elif mode in ('movie2d', 'movie2d_notebook'): ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin((lon+central_longitude+180) % 360 - 180), np.nanmax((lon+central_longitude+180) % 360 - 180)) ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(lat), np.nanmax(lat)) plottimes = np.unique(time) if not movie_forward: plottimes = np.flip(plottimes, 0) if isinstance(plottimes[0], (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)): plottimes = plottimes[~np.isnat(plottimes)] else: try: plottimes = plottimes[~np.isnan(plottimes)] except: pass b = time == plottimes[0] def timestr(plottimes, index): if isinstance(plottimes[index], np.timedelta64): if plottimes[-1] > np.timedelta64(1, 'h'): return str(plottimes[index].astype('timedelta64[h]')) elif plottimes[-1] > np.timedelta64(1, 's'): return str(plottimes[index].astype('timedelta64[s]')) else: return str(plottimes[index]) if cartopy: scat = ax.scatter(lon[b], lat[b], s=20, color='k', else: scat = ax.scatter(lon[b], lat[b], s=20, color='k') ttl = ax.set_title('Particles' + titlestr + ' at time ' + timestr(plottimes, 0)) frames = np.arange(0, len(plottimes)) def animate(t): b = time == plottimes[t] scat.set_offsets(np.vstack((lon[b], lat[b])).transpose()) ttl.set_text('Particle' + titlestr + ' at time ' + timestr(plottimes, t)) if recordedvar is not None: scat.set_array(record[b]) return scat, rc('animation', html='html5') anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=frames, interval=100, blit=False) else: raise RuntimeError('mode %s not known' % mode) if mode == 'movie2d_notebook': plt.close() return anim else: if show_plt: return plt
if __name__ == "__main__": p = ArgumentParser(description="""Quick and simple plotting of Parcels trajectories""") p.add_argument('mode', choices=('2d', '3d', 'hist2d', 'movie2d', 'movie2d_notebook'), nargs='?', default='movie2d', help='Type of display') p.add_argument('-p', '--particlefile', type=str, default='', help='Name of particle file') p.add_argument('-f', '--tracerfile', type=str, default=None, help='Name of tracer file to display underneath particle trajectories') p.add_argument('-flon', '--tracerfilelon', type=str, default='x', help='Name of longitude dimension in tracer file') p.add_argument('-flat', '--tracerfilelat', type=str, default='y', help='Name of latitude dimension in tracer file') p.add_argument('-ffld', '--tracerfilefield', type=str, default='P', help='Name of field in tracer file') p.add_argument('-r', '--recordedvar', type=str, default=None, help='Name of a variable recorded along trajectory') p.add_argument('-bins', type=int, default=20, help='Number of bins for mode=hist2d') args = p.parse_args() plotTrajectoriesFile(args.particlefile, mode=args.mode, tracerfile=args.tracerfile, tracerfield=args.tracerfilefield, tracerlon=args.tracerfilelon, tracerlat=args.tracerfilelat, recordedvar=args.recordedvar, bins=args.bins, show_plt=True)